Charting the 1975 Debacle.

by runForever 6 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • runForever

    This chart is charted using the specific phrase: "Jehovah's Organization" in the watchtower magazine. Notice how they really start de-emphasizing this phrase in the few years before 1975 and for some years after.  Looks like they were waiting for it to blow over.

  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill

    The thinking in those years 1973 - 1975 was that when "The Persecution" hit, JWs would be forced to operate in small groups, completely cut off from "The Organisation". Consequently, much emphasis was placed on ones "relationship" with Jehovah - and reliance on the conscience as a guide, rather than directives from that same "Organisation".

    From about 1982 onwards though, we once more started to hear much about "The Visible Organisation". 


  • Pistoff

    Love the word counting; can you do a count for Jesus vs Jehovah?

    That might be interesting.

    Also the word obey?

  • disposable hero of hypocrisy
    disposable hero of hypocrisy
    interesting. Is this compiled using the cdrom? 
  • runForever

    DHOH:  Yes this is compiled with the 2015 cd-rom(downloaded). It allows you to put phrases in quotes to get exact matches of those phrases like google does.

  • runForever
    Bungi Bill: That's pretty convenient don't you think?
  • Bungi Bill
    Bungi Bill


    That de-emphasis on The Organisation ran currently with a number of Watchtower articles about using ones own conscience as a guide. However, once it became apparent that use of ones conscience also required a person to think for themselves, the WTS back-pedalled on that one.

    The hard line started to be re-applied, and we once again began to hear much about The Organisation. (That was when reference to "Jehovah's Visible Organisation" was introduced into the baptismal vows). 


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