Yes, the Taleban are Gay (!!)

by metatron 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    In the Los Angeles Times, April, 3, 2002 edition, there is an
    article "Kandahar's Lightly Veiled Homosexual Habits".

    Apparently, the intense restrictions on women (you don't even see
    their faces or ankles) causes countless Afghan men to turn to
    each other for sex - something widely done - and not openly
    talked about. Even fanatical mullahs were doin' it.

    I'll try the link:

    Moral: Repressive religions generate unintended effects
    inconsistent with their moral claims.

    Holy Lawrence of Arabia, Batman!


  • Xander

    FYI, there are better articles about this. The practice in question is not merely homosexuality, which most of the civilized world has no problem with. The problem is that the mullahs liked young boys. There was a name for them, don't recall exactly.

    The Taliban were, in fact, violently opposed to this practice, which has since flourished since their fall. (Not saying they're saints here, but an important thought can be gleaned from this - just because a religion picks on something generally considered 'evil' doesn't mean everything else they do is then right).

    Xander F
    (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America - Ohio order)

    A fanatic is one who, upon losing sight of his goals, redoubles his efforts.
    --George Santayana

  • metatron

    The article sez that the Taleban did this stuff in secret.
    I think the word for these boys is 'halekon' or something.

    just amazing


  • hoo

    Not all Talibans are gays, not all of us are straights.

    I lived in a muslim country. Most of them are nice people, but not all.

    Hoo of Malaysia

  • Abaddon

    If you look at the history of the area, this practise is centuries old. There's several instances where cultures with strict social taboos surrounding sex have virtually institutionalised homosexuality, such as the Pushtuns.

    One Papuan or Australian aboriginal tribe belived young men had to be fed the sperm of the elders of the tribe so they could father children when they were adults.

  • joelbear

    Hard to believe that this continues to need to be explained, but since it does, here goes.

    Homosexuality is not sex between men, it is sexual attraction to those of your own gender.

    Lots of men who have sex with men are not homosexual.

    Lots of men who have sex with women also love having sex with men, they are bisexual and both needs need to be filled for them to be sexually satisfied in life. You live near one, I assure you.

    Men who have sex with pretty little boys are pederasts. They don't see them very differently than they see pretty little girls. It is not their genitalia or masculine sexuality they are attracted to, its their smooth skin and tight holes.

    Of course, people like Meta and others will continue to try to pack us all into one category and label it as bad for all kinds of propagandizing agendas.


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