Scans of Candice conti news articles?

by zound 2 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • zound

    Just wondering if anyone has scans of some of these.

    Also, wonder if anyone has a list of all the places that articles appeared covering this case?

  • Calebs Airplane
    Calebs Airplane

    The Rothschild family made sure this case was kept away from mainstream media... so you'll find little to nothing on this...

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Is the Rothschild remark a joke? It is hard to tell on a forum.

    Google Candice Conti. There are many articles in respectable news forums. Regardless of the outcome, the final appellate decision will break new ground. The law will be clarified. All religious groups will be affected by the decision. Also, the punitive award and the direct damages were so large as to invite commentary. A jury was fed up with excuses from religious groups. The public outrage is clear.

    What remains is a legal question. California is closely watched by other states. Cases in CA are often the forerunners to a change in law in other states. CA is innovative. It is often a lab for what may work in other places. Other times people conclude that it only can work in CA b/c CA is CA.

    Does anyone know if amicus briefs are being filed at the intermediate appellate level?

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