Latest WT kids' video

by agonus 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • agonus

    ...features a young girl who is preparing to go out in service. This video was featured on YouTube until it was "removed by the user".

    To me this is another indication that, in spite of surface efforts to appear to be "mainlining", the WT really, really does not want anyone other than already-dedicated dubs to be party to this material.


  • agonus

    Oh come on. NOBODY is responding to this? Validate my pathetic existence people!

  • Watchtower-Free

    I hereby Validate your existence.



    I saw it. It was a Dora the Explorer rip-off. I was sickened by the product placement at the very end, the JW.ORG brand and the door-bell sound effect. They are a business, plain and simple.

  • nugget

    You would think that if they truly believed their message was benign then they would be happy to give it the widest exposure possible. The fact that the videos are removed shows that they know that the message is unpalatable to the mainstream viewer and even to a JW if it is not accompanied by the positioning statements that the watchtower gives.

    Because these unauthorised postings show the videos for what they are they have to be removed because the message is not being controlled and the viewers are not being told what to think before they see it. If you remember back to the Sparlock video even witnesses thought it was a spoof video because seeing the message without the wrap around of doctrine and thought control simply made it look ridiculous.

  • problemaddict

    You exist and therfore you exist!

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