God Under Investigation For Failure To Provide?

by YYHWH 3 Replies latest jw friends


    WASHINGTON, DC—The six-millennia-old sky-father deity Yahweh, worshiped by Christians, Muslims and Jews alike for His alleged all-knowing compassion and vast benevolence toward humanity, refused comment following Monday's announcement that the U.S. Justice Department will investigate allegations of failure on His part to provide for His approximately 3.5 billion human followers.

    The Lord (above) is the subject of a massive U.S. Justice Department inquisition.
    According to Justice Department officials, on more than 70 trillion documented occasions, the Lord has failed to provide for dutiful worshippers, allowing them to go without Providence in times of great need and showing little if any of the celebrated deity's much-touted "boundless love."

    The list of Justice Department allegations ranges from the mundane, such as the Lord's reported September 1995 refusal to see to it that Terre Haute, IN, Presbyterian Joyce Halstrom receives a new set of drapes for her anniversary, to the catastrophic, such as last year's Mexico City earthquake, in which God allowed an estimated 150,000 devout Catholics to be crushed to death under tons of debris.

    "These are very serious charges," U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno said. "I can assure you that our department will investigate them fully."

    The allegations directly contradict over 6,000 years of extravagant claims by the Lord's prophets of "miracle" cures and other forms of all-encompassing heavenly grace.

    Immediately following the Justice Department announcement, many of the Lord's top earthly representatives fled into hiding, including Pope John Paul II, New York's Cardinal O'Connor, and Rabbi Menachem Schindler, president of the World Orthodox Jewish Congress.

    In Rome, an unruly mob surrounded the Panamanian Embassy, where many believe the Pope is currently hiding out and seeking asylum. These reports, however, remain unsubstantiated as of press time.

    The Lord did not respond to a federal subpoena ordering him to appear before the investigative commission, and refused to speak to reporters on this or any subject throughout the week.

    Efforts on the part of law-enforcement authorities to contact the alleged supreme being via the intercessionary medium of prayer have been equally unsuccessful.

    One of the areas in which the Lord has been the most negligent, the Justice Department claims, is in providing His followers with adequate access to education: Fundamentalist Christians remain, after thousands of years, among the least educated groups in the world, ranking below pro-wrestling enthusiasts and carnival workers.

    Claims of an eternal "life after death" also remain unconfirmed by deceased believers from around the globe.

    "It's sad to think of the abusive treatment people have received at the hands of their so-called protector," U.S. Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-VT) said, "especially when you think about all those countless hours they spent in houses of worship rejoicing and loudly bearing thanks and praise."

    The senator noted that, with over 450,000 hymns and songs written about Him, the Lord ranks among the most praised entities ever.

    If the charges prove true, the Lord could face up to 3,100 years in jail and/or fines totalling $50 trillion. He would also be forced to return all gratitude and thanks paid to Him by followers, backdated to the dawn of civilization.

    Despite the seriousness of the charges, many believers remain loyal to the embattled deity. "I know it seems like the worst thing ever," said Lynette Maddox, a Flatwoods, KY, manicurist and mother of nine, "but we just have to trust that it's all part of God's plan."

  • Moxy

    from the onion of course, in case you couldnt tell:


    i think this was actually posted here before...

  • JT


    Hey man you are too good , as a result i must give you the "Damn Fool"
    Award SMILE

    I love this post------

    this is so funny, we are here on the floor cracking out side,

    this has got to be one of the best write up i have seen on the catch 22 that believers face.

    If god was brought up on charges of Child abuse, molestation, rape failing to pay child support payments he would have to be convicted,

    Here are 3 of my all time favorite examples of how god operates.

    These are post to keep in your Archieves:


    *** w69 3/15 191 Questions from Readers ***
    As a punishment for this sin Jehovah brought three days of pestilence that killed 70,000 Israelites. (2 Sam. 24:12-16) Was that unjust? Were 70,000 innocent people dying for the king’s error? The Bible plainly shows that we all are sinners deserving of death; it is only by God’s undeserved kindness that we live. (Rom. 3:23; 6:23; Lam. 3:22, 23) So those who died had no special “right” to life. Additionally, can any human today say for sure that those 70,000 were not guilty of some serious sin not mentioned in the historical record?

    *** Rbi8 2 Samuel 24:17 ***
    17 And David proceeded to say to Jehovah, when he saw the angel that was striking the people down, yes, he proceeded to say: “Here it is I that have sinned and it is I that have done wrong; but these sheep—what have they done? Let your hand, please, come upon me and upon the house of my father.”


    Posted by Farkel [Keflar] on August 26, 2000 at 13:50:21 {hOVTmOYbDkjc7.1TE24IvhKqcjatLo}:
    WARNING!! Those of you with tender religious sensibilities should NOT read this post. Only those of you with the thickest of skins should proceed. This is going to get ugly…

    God gets bored. He decides to make some creatures to keep him company. After a while, they all get bored, too. God says, “Hey let’s make some mortal creatures and mess them all up.” They all agree that is a good idea, so God creates two humans.
    “First thing we have to do is give them a test they couldn’t possibly pass, and then mess them up when they fail it,” God declares. So God says (in effect) to the two humans, “Look, you both are pretty stupid, but there’s a tree over there that will give you all the knowledge of good and bad that you need to know. There’s only one minor problem. The day you eat from it, I’ll kill you.”

    So the couple obeyed him. After a while, God becomes bored again, and says, “They’re NOT eating from that tree. What should I do? This is boring.” One of his companions says, “Why don’t you trick them into eating from it?” God says, “Good idea! Let it be done.” One of the companions decided that he could trick one of them by using a talking animal, so he picked a snake. One of the other companions said, “You moron! Snakes don’t even have vocal cords!”

    The first one replies, “No problem. I’ll use ventriloquism. They’re pretty dumb. They’ll think it is actually the snake that is talking.”
    So the “talking” snake tricks the woman and the woman convinces the man to also eat from the tree. When they both discovered they were then in deep doo-doo with God, they declared, “Hey, we have SEX organs! We never noticed we had them before! It’s embarrassing to have SEX organs! We’d better cover ourselves up and hide from God.” They were a REALLY stupid couple.

    So God says, “First, I’ll screw up the snake by knocking off his legs.” And God knocked off the snake’s legs. A companion said, “Ok, God, I guess you have to keep your word and kill that couple right now.” God replies, “Heck, no! It took a long time to make them. I think I’ll let them be miserable for, say hundreds of years. I’ll make the woman be miserable when she gives birth, I’ll make them sweat and be in pain when they work, and I’ll kick them out of the garden. I get to watch them get old, worn-out and die in pain. Then, I’ll make ALL of their children and children’s children miserable.

    That should be FUN to watch! Later on, we’ll get some guy to write that my days are 1,000 years long. No one will know the difference.”
    After a while God says, “I have to have a way to let these humans know that I really enjoy killing, so I think I’ll have those two guys Cain and Abel offer up something for me. The one that doesn’t kill anything is going to be the one that suffers.” Cain didn’t kill anything, so he suffered. Abel killed something and thought that by so doing that he wouldn’t have to suffer. He was wrong. Cain killed him. God thought the whole show was hilarious.
    God gets bored again. “I think I’ll kill the entire planet, except for a few folks,” he said. And he did. As soon as the leader of the survivors got of the Ark, he killed something to show his gratitude for God killing everyone on the planet except him and his family.
    Later on this guy named “Nimrod” went around killing all sorts of creatures and humans and he became legendary. Nothing bad happened to him, except God got bored and let him die. God says to one of his companions, “Even though I think Nimrod was a pretty cool guy, let somebody write that I didn’t like him. I don’t want those stupid humans to know what kind of a show we really have going on up here.”
    God gets bored just about the time a bunch of people decide to erect a high-rise building.

    God says, “I think I’ll kill them all.” The companions plead with him, “Don’t do that! With all this killing it’s going to take forever to get that earth populated.” God say, “Ok, but I’m still going to screw them up by giving them a whole bunch of different languages to speak. You guys take care of it, but there’s only a couple of details:

    1) Make sure that only two people are able to speak each language, and make sure one is a male and the other is a female.

    2) If a man is short, fat and ugly, make sure his companion is tall, skinny and beautiful, and vice-versa. That way at least ONE of each couple will be miserable.” And it was done, and God had a ball watching those tiny bands of wretched humans who had to start all over again in building their lives, families and cultures.
    God again gets bored and tries all sorts of things for entertainment. He tries to get this guy named Abraham to kill his son, and Abraham almost did it.

    God promises to “bless” Abraham’s offspring for nearly killing his son, and Abraham believed him. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Was that ever a clever ruse! Abraham had no idea what was in store for his offspring: hundreds and hundreds of years of forced slavery, zillions of skirmishes and wars, and of course, God personally doing tons of killing to that “blessed” offspring over the millennia to come. “I’ll bet that stupid Abraham would be shocked to know I’m gonna allow 6,000,000 of his offspring to starve to death, get gassed to death and die in all sorts of horrible ways,” God snarled.

    Got gets bored yet again and decides to make a bet with one of his companions: “See that guy Job down there? Mess him up. Give him boils and kill his wife and kids. Have all his friends turn on him.” God wins the bet, and Job gets the booby prize: a new wife who turns out to be a total nag, and new kids who are lazy and stupid.
    “See that guy named Lot down there?”, God asks. Make his three daughters seduce him into having sex with them, and then later on, have someone write how “righteous” he was. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh, by the way, kill is wife, too. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!”

    One day one of his companions report to God that some teen-aged boys are teasing one of his prophets because he’s bald. “KILL THEM,” God orders. “Get a bunch of bears to rip them to shreds.” And so it was done.

    As the centuries pass, the killings and human misery keep compounding, but God is still bored. “Make a bunch of nasty viruses,” he tells a companion. “I want to see some juicy pestilences. I want MILLIONS to die in the shortest possible time.”
    After about 4,000 years of all this fun, God finds out that the people are beginning to get wise to his games, and God comes up with a clever plan to come out smelling like a rose: “I’m going to kill my firstborn son,” he said. “That’s horrible!” he was told. “That will even make you look worse than you do now.”

    God replied, “Don’t worry, I’ve got it all figured out. You keep forgetting how stupid those humans really are. Here’s the plan: I’m going to have some words written that make it look like I was the good guy through all of this, and that it was man’s fault for the misery they’re in. I’m going to have them think I’ll “save them” from all this misery by having my Son get killed. Watch! They’ll buy every word of it!”

    God almost has remorse over what is about to do, but then his son says things like “blessed are the merciful and they will be shown mercy,” and “take my yoke. It is kindly and light.”
    “That DOES it,” God shouts. "I’m gonna kill now for sure! How DARE he say things like that?"

    So God has his son killed and makes sure the son suffers a whole bunch before he dies. The companions say to him, “Well, God you did promise those humans that once your son died that a “ransom” was fully paid and that they would be delivered from the death and miserable situation you put them into in the first place. Are you going to keep that promise now?”

    “Are you kidding?”, God replied. The fun is just beginning. We’ve got the Black Plague and a half-dozen major World Wars coming up. There are hundreds of millions of more people to kill. The best part is that those people who believed that I killed my son to deliver them from their misery are going to be the people who do most of the killing in my name in the future! Those humans are simply a pack of idiots. Never in my wildest dreams did I think this could be so much fun.”
    And the “fun” continues to this very day, and the joke is on us...


    The Tale of the Five Officers (2000)
    Mark I. Vuletic

    When Ms. K. was slowly raped and murdered by a common thug over the course of 1 hour and 55 minutes, in plain sight of five fully-armed off-duty police officers who ignored her terrified cries for help and instead just looked on until the act was carried to its gruesome end, I found myself facing a personal crisis. You see, the officers had all been very close friends of mine, but after hearing about their inaction, I found my trust in them shaken to its core. Fortunately, I was able to talk with them later on, and had my doubts laid to rest.

    "I thought about intervening," said the first officer, "but it occurred to me that it was obviously better for the murderer to be able to exercise his free will than to have it restricted. I deeply regret the choices he made, but that's the price of having a world with free agents. Would you rather everyone in the world was a robot? The attacker's choices certainly weren't in my control, so I can't be held responsible for his actions."

    "Well," said the second officer, "my motivation was a little bit different. I was about to pull my gun on the murderer when I thought to myself, 'But wait, wouldn't this be a perfect opportunity for some unarmed by-stander to exercise selfless heroism, should he chance to walk by? If I were to intervene all the time like I was just about to, then no one would ever be able to exercise such a virtue. In fact, everyone would probably become very spoiled and self-centered if I were to protect everyone from rape and murder.' So I backed off. It's unfortunate that no one actually showed up to heroically intervene, but that's the price of having a universe where people can display virtue and maturity. Would you rather the world were nothing but love, peace, and roses?"

    "Personally, I didn't even consider stepping in," said the third officer. "I probably would have if I didn't have so much experience of life as a whole, since Ms. K's rape and murder seems pretty horrible when taken in isolation. But when you put it into context with the rest of life, it actually adds to the overall beauty of the big picture. Ms. K.'s screams were like the discordant notes that make fine musical pieces better than they would have been if all the notes were flawless. In fact, I could scarcely keep from waving my hands around, imagining I myself was conducting the delicious nuances of the orchestra."

    "Look, there's really no point in my trying to explain the details to you," said the fourth officer, who we had nicknamed 'Brainiac' because he had an encyclopedic knowledge of literally everything and an IQ way off the charts. "There's an excellent reason for why I did not intervene, but it's just way too complicated for you to understand, so I'm not going to bother trying. Just so there's no misunderstanding, though, let me point out that no one could care about Ms. K. more than I did, and that I am, in fact, a very good person."

    "I'll let you in on a secret," said the fifth officer. "Moments after Ms. K. flatlined, I had her resuscitated, and flown to a tropical resort where she is now experiencing extraordinary bliss, and her ordeal is just a distant memory. I'm sure you would agree that that's more than adequate compensation, and so the fact that I just stood there watching instead of helping her has no bearing at all on my goodness."
    By now, it had become clear to me that there was no difficulty reconciling my friends' goodness with their behavior that one day, and that anyone who disagreed must be doing so for love of evil over good. After all, anyone who has experienced the officers' friendship in the way I have knows that they are good. Their goodness is even manifest in my life--I was in a shambles before I met them, but now everyone remarks on what a changed person I am, so much kinder and happier, and possessed of the inner calm that everyone so desperately seeks. I am ashamed that I ever doubted their entitlement to my loyalty and my love.

    As I was getting ready to leave, the first officer spoke up again. "By the way, I also think you should know that when we stood there watching Ms. K. get raped and stabbed over and over, we were suffering along with her, and we experienced exactly the same pain she did, or perhaps even more." And everyone in the room, myself included, nodded his head in agreement.


    Why would a loving parent allow thier worst enemy to cause pain and suffering to thier child and not stop it when it is within their power to DO SO-

    we call that child abuse

  • dungbeetle


    UADNA-US (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America-United States)

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