Nothing worst than a Thief!

by Jomavrick 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jomavrick

    I had an expensive pen I carried with me at work, It had sentamental value because I purchased it with my wife in Venice after a tortuous attempt to find a store that carried fine pens. Last year it went missing, I was mortified that it just dissapeared and painstakingly retraced everything I did the previous day. I concluded it got left on the table at a business lunch I had the day before. Couldnt imagine how, but what else could it be.

    I called the restaraunt and even put up ads in the lost and founds with a reward. Nothing.

    Fast forward to yesterday, one of my employee's melted down and had to be terminated at the end of the day. The desk was being cleaned out and boxed up and what was in the desk, MY PEN and ANOTHER expensive fountain pen of another employee that had simply dissapeared.

    Nothing surprises me about people anymore, but I HATE THIEVES! Glad to get my pen back!!!

  • LongHairGal


    I'm glad you got your pen back! I lost a good pen, not as expensive as yours though. I don't think anybody stole it. I probably either lost it in the street or when I swiped my ID card to get in the elevator bank at work (the pen was inside a long wallet with the ID card which may not have been zipped completely). Oh, well.

    I won't buy another pricey pen unless it is one that stays home on a desk. It is too easy to lose one in public, not to mention people who like to say "can I borrow your pen" (NO). I hate going to a bank and some idiot asks me that when there are bank pens in full sight!

  • Jomavrick

    LHG, I know after it happened I swore I wouldnt buy anything above a Bic pen.

    Oh and I managed to lose my wallet 3 weeks ago, fell out of my pocket on the motorcycle. I noticed it 5 blocks from home, turned right around and it was gone. (I think the neighbors lawn service guy nabbed it). To compound it, I had just cashed a check and had about $650 in it and it was a Louis Vitton wallet (present from my wife on a trip). Im feeling like a complete idiot these days and my wife is never shy to remind me of that too

  • jean-luc picard
    jean-luc picard

    I think that thefts at work are among the worst, as you almost always know the thief, passed him in the corridor, drank a coffee with him. etc

  • LisaRose

    I had a small shop in a co-OP of shops in a historic building with centralized check out. We all took turns working. Being retail, sometimes things did get stolen, but we all started noticing that if we talked about the stolen item at our monthly meeting, the item would mysteriously show up. We all separately realized it was one of the vendors. We all felt kind of sorry for her - obviously she was a klepto. I suspected she took something of mine, so I asked her if she had seen seen anything, since she was there at the time it went missing. She took the hint and it came back. We also found some of our things stashed under a table in her shop. She finally left, and someone gave her a lovely silk flower arrangement as a going away gift. So to thank her, the klepto stole another one the day she left.

  • doofdaddy

    I had a similar experience. I bought my own pens at work despite pens being provided. I lost so many, I raised it as a staff meeting and then had to resort to taping my name on them. This worked for a while until I paid $30 for a pen. It disappearsed... My flakey manager came in one day and I noticed my pen WITH THE NAME POORLY REMOVED! I didn't have to say a word as she realised her mistake of having it with her and she went into a blather about "someone" finding it in a drawer where I must have put it........As is human nature, she had a set on me after that embarrassing situation and drove me out of the job. I can thank her now for that.

  • LisaRose

    We had an even worse case, a customer at our shop. We know who it was because one of the vendors was a neighbor of the thief, saw her buy a picture of mine where she switched tags, getting a $120 picture for $40. I decided to not pursue prosecution, but later she claimed her Visa was stolen, and the police contacted our shop, as she bought other things there with the "stolen" card. We knew who she was, due to the other incident, so we were happy to tell the cops that it was her. We also told her she was not welcome there ever again, but she still had the nerve to come back. Then she moved and she threw some of my friends things from her porch in the moving van when she left.

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