NE Gojira

by *lost* 3 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • *lost*

    thoughts, if any

    Theosophy, the Kabbala and Jehovah

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    I've never heard of Theosophy, so will have to do some research on that one. The Kabbala, I just seen something on that one in a Freemason documentary we were watching over the weekend. If I remember right, it was the 'tree of life'???? With 10 different branches. I will go look it up though.

    Jehovah, even the JW literature admits that it's an invented name. They just use it because it's the more 'popular' pronunciation. Popular? In Satan's system? The world has decided this?

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    Ok, Theosophy, the Illuminati, philosophy, esotericism. Freemasons.

  • *lost*


    they all have similarities and are rooted in the modern day, from their ancient beginnings.

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