Apostacy a one way street?

by zound 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • zound

    Do you know anyone who has 'awakened' that went back to 'sleep'?

    I'm not talking about concious class, but someone who somehow got suckered back into the WTS little game.

    (I for one could never ever ever ever ever return - but interested if you've heard of people that have)

  • outsmartthesystem

    I know of people that got DF'd and then went on a lifestyle binge (parties, drugs etc)......and then came running back to the borg after 9-11. But those people never truly "woke up". They just got tired of the control and went haywire for a while. They never released themselves from the mental shackles that had been put on them years ago.

    I don't believe that ANYONE that has ever truly woken up has or could ever go back

  • JeffJ

    I know someone who dissasociated, was widely reguarded as appostate for many years and then came back and got reinstated. I don't know why but I suspect he only did it for his wife who was having health issues.

  • slimboyfat

    Gumby? Isn't he a famous example?

  • Terry

    We humans are a mixture of our STRONG character traits and WEAK traits.

    If we are deeply social-dependent people with deep loyalty as our nature---how can we give up such a connection

    as a religion that DEMANDS deep loyalty and strong social connection??

    Independent thinkers really don't function well in any coercive institution.

    It comes down--in my opinion--to what is the character trait or traits which DOMINATE our personality as to what we can and cannot do.

    We all war with our most rational thoughts as strained by our emotional and irrational whims. Don't we? Yes, we do.

    The JW's who leave and go back are people who CAN and feel they've given "freedom" a shot and couldn't handle thinking for themsevles.

  • Lynnie

    I have a cousin that never went for the JW thing even though her mom and dad and 2 others sisters were in. She ran away from home at

    14 or something too but eventually came back but was still not interested in the whole JW thing. Now she's 33 and is studying!!!! WTF? I think for her it's all about family and associating with them and of course she's getting love bombed to death and lots of attention etc. However I dont' see her going out in service or getting baptised anytime soon so it will be interesting if they pressure her to do that. I was shocked that she would go back after all her "wordly evperiences" but I also think she's a little mentally fragile so this is a way to insulate herself or something.

  • Gayle

    Unless former JWs start reading A LOT, like Crisis of Conscience, Hassan's books, etc. and read and read, otherwise I always suspect they could go back when in a rough spot. This would be especially so for young ones, though now grown. We, as young children, read and read the WT literature/entanglements all our growing years and millions of brain cells (lines of thought) got snarled. We need lots of facts and educated understanding to 'override' WT thinking.

  • NeonMadman

    How do you go back to being scared of the Wizard of Oz after seeing the man behind the curtain?

  • return of parakeet
    return of parakeet

    Do you know anyone who has 'awakened' that went back to 'sleep'?

    No. Once you know, you can't unknow.

    Gumby went back because of his family, not because he started believing dub crap again.

  • zound

    Yes, I could have gone back possibly (though doubtful) before I discovered ttatt. Now there's not a chance in hell - it makes me ill just considering it.

    You can be a JW and stop being a JW. But you can't be an apostate and stop being an apostate. That's real truth.

    (of course there are people like Gumby that go back for family - but are not suckered into the beliefs again persay)

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