Do You Miss Your Evil Family JW?

by ÁrbolesdeArabia 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    To keep friends with some of my family, I had to expose myself to chronic alcoholics and watch filthy movies they enjoyed.

    To keep my JW family happy, I had to pretend I was stupid and watch my vocabulary. I had to hide the fact I was working on a advanced degree because it showed I had a lack of faith.

    To make my JW Family happy, I had to tell them how bad things were and pretend I was broke, nobody in my group of friends like to hear a "good report' and they enjoyed feeling they were better off than me. I never told them when I blew past seven figures consistently because it would have made them hate me. I had to create the illusion I was poor and never could I speak of things they did not understand, why? They would accuse me of loving the World and not putting all my faith in the Organization (Jehovah).

    Can you top this? What lies did you telll to keep your miserable family (or close friends if you like) to keep them in this lonely religion?

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    I don't have a story to top that because my family are all non-jws and the finest people I've ever known. I'm proud to say I never let the WT come between me and them! Now I have a better relationship with them than ever.

    For lies though, I whitewashed everything about JWs. My family could see what whackos a lot of them are, but I'd whitewash it and keep most of the beliefs away from them unless they asked, but then when Dad did, something came over me and I clammed right up about it and wouldn't talk about it. When I was studying as a teen though, it was a bit of that teen rebelliousness when I loudly decried and disrespected hallowed traditions such as Xmas and Anzac Day. What a douche I was!

  • LouBelle

    Nope. I don't think my JW family are evil - I think they are mis-informed and brain washed but not evil.

    I stood up, knew the consequinces of my actions and left. Nothing to deal with other than making my "peace" about the shunning. 7 years on...the only regret is that I didn't do it earlier!

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    Julia and Lou Belle,

    I was ripped off $$$,$$$ from my good JW familiy members who were so greedy. I hope I am the exception to the rule of the group and everyone here has good JW family who are just blinded.

    I am happy with the fact I will never speak to any of my family for the rest of my life, I will not bow down or allow them to play the role of the prince any longer. Life is too short, we need upbuilding people to fill in our life, not emotional vampires and zombies who desire to suck our blood and eat our brains!

  • LouBelle

    You've got to make your peace with it. I was well employed when I was in and made many a financial contribution to the hall, to help brothers and sisters, to food if some needed it. I am by nature a giving person and I enjoyed doing it while I was in. The only bit I would say I would want to take back if I could was money I forked out for literature and anything that went to the society - knowing what I do now about their wealth.

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    Lou Belle,

    I am so at peace with my life, the greatest gift I feel I received was the dumping off these anchors from my Soul. My harsh feelings are from a life of listening to people who thrieve off other people's misery, they are happy when they hear of a wicked report. I know others here might be better off if they can come to the point of acceptance when they must sacrifice their pride or conscience to keep company with the spiritual zombies and emotional vampires.

    You have a good night, I must be up early! bye!

  • Julia Orwell
    Julia Orwell

    If they took your money it was cuz they were douches, not because they were JWs. But really, who are they kidding? Don't they know their god is always watching?

  • Fernando

    Not at all.

    It is a little easier for me though, as they are in-laws.

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