Plastic Guns

by 5go 0 Replies latest social current

  • 5go

    I was on another forum and they were talking about 3d printer guns.

    There were basically two side both misguided.

    Pro-Gun side was saying this proves a control gun is impossible. Oe problem any machinist can make a gun and last I checked most countries like Japan aren't over run with illegally made guns.

    Anti-Gun side was basically saying we need to ban plasitic guns and license 3d printing. First off they are already banned you need an ATF licence to manufacture or work on firearms. (been there nearly got into gunsmithing paperwork is a pain) second as I mentioned above this is not new and I doubt to many thugs will bother with a gun more likely to kill the user than their target. Even if they did the police when they catch them with said firearm don't have to ask if the gun is legal it's plastic and has no serial number there fore it is not.

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