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    WT 12/1/1952 Theocratic Slaves


    13 The spirit-begotten remnant, the faithful and discreet slave class, are not alone now in preferring this proper servitude to God through his Son Jesus Christ. A fast-growing crowd, already hundreds of thousands, have yielded themselves over to God through Christ. In this day when death-dealing spiritual famine has hit Christendom and all the rest of this world but when there is spiritual plenty at the disposal of the remnant of Christ's body, these other sheep have imitated the Egyptians during the seven-year famine for which Pharaoh's prime minister Joseph had made ample provision. These good-will people have come to the Greater Joseph, Jesus Christ, who represents the Greater Pharaoh, Jehovah God, and have said in the language of the Egyptians: "There is nothing left for my lord but our bodies and our land. Why should we and our land perish before your eyes? Buy us and our land in exchange for food, and we and our land will be the property of Pharao. Give us seed that we may live and not perish, and the land may not become a waste." Christ Jesus has acted now just as Joseph did: "Joseph therefore bought all the land of Egypt for Pharao, for every one of the Egyptians sold his field because the famine was unbearable for them. Thus the land became Pharao's and from one end of Egypt to the other, Joseph made the people slaves." In response to Christ's rescue of them from a death by spiritual famine they respond like those famine-stricken Egyptians: "You have kept us alive; let us win the favor of my lord, and we will be slaves of Pharao." (Gen. 47:15-26, CB; AT) So these other sheep have become State slaves, Kingdom slaves.

    14 These earthly-destined other sheep of the Right Shepherd must follow him obediently wherever he leads. No one may pluck them out of his care without due punishment. They must serve God at his temple day and night. Their lives are to be spared like those of the Gibeonites, who were the descendants of the accursed Canaan and who were meant to be destroyed with the rest of the Canaanites by Joshua and the Israelites. But like the ancient Gibeonites they have sought and gained peace with the Greater Joshua, Jesus Christ, and his God Jehovah. As they keep coming out from among the modern condemned Canaanites, the Greater Joshua says to them: "Cursed then shall you be; never shall you cease providing slaves, hewers of wood and drawers of water, for the temple of my God!" To this they reply: "Here we are, then, in your power; do whatever you think it right and proper to do to us." They are cursed, not like Canaan, but because a ban, a taboo, has been put upon them. They have become the property of Jehovah God and his Christ, and no one may execute them or take them away from their temple service with impunity. God has absolute power over their life and death and only He can execute them for failing to be faithful slaves. Woe to anyone violating this divine prohibition over them! Five kings of the Amorites immediately tried to do so and their attacking forces were wiped out, Jehovah himself tossing down large deadly hailstones from heaven and causing the sun and moon to stand still at Joshua's prayer in order to complete the slaughter. In fanatical nationalism King Saul once tried to destroy the tabooed Gibeonites, and the whole nation of Israel suffered a three-year famine for it until the death of those Gibeonites was expiated. Jehovah God will do similarly to Christendom for laying violent hands on the modern Gibeonites to prevent their doing temple service to God and gaining life in the new world.-Josh. 9:3-27, AT; 10:1-27; 2 Sam. 21:1-14.


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