(1)is WTS greedy and heartless or (2) Sincerely trying to do the will of God

by joe134cd 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • joe134cd

    In my reading there seems to be 2 schools of thought and I am just wondering which one is correct.

    (1)Watchtower is a multi million dollar corporation that is making its money by fleecing its flock e.g K.H refurbs, giving preference to houses with an insurance cheque under the banner of emergency relief and pocketing the money from volunteer labour. To a lesser extent (although it wouldnt generate nearly as much money as the 2 examples above), Getting kick backs from international conventions,charging for car parking when they got it for free, society approved motels that are grovels in the middle of no where. I do wonder how they can get away with this under the title of of a Charitable trust, and I do at the very least think, this is cheeky.

    It is cold and hartless and will roll anyone who gets in its way e.g Menlo park elders. It will chew you up and spit you out e.g career Bethelites who got the ax with little support- particularly if they were in bad health or older. When the WTS knew it was going to have to provide health care it was also "See you latter"


    (2)They are loseing money and members at an alarming rate. Althought they sincerely believed that Jehovah would provide when they went to the donation arrangment , this has proved to be a flop e.g I had a friend who was accounts/magerzine servant, I recall him telling me that he was embarrassed at what he used to send to the society in the way of donations. This has now left them having to resort of cut backs and asset stripping of real estate. So hence it would make sense that an organisation that was running on an unsustainable financial model would have to let people go with out any after care or be able to pay medical. I think the reason they could be finding it difficult now from a financial stand point is that the system that was set up at its inception (e.g Russel) was only supposed to run until Armageddon which was just around the corner. That hasnt happened and its a case of what do we do now.

    So my question is this??? How can a money hungry, heartless corporation at the same time be supplying its products at a loss. To the extent that this has forced them to sell up and cut back. I believe that although they may be well off as far as assets go they are struggling to get cash flow. Remember to, that this real estate was built up over a period of about 140 years. I have heard estimates of its value at about $2 Billion dollars. I do believe they could of done a lot better than this had of they wanted to and compared to some other religions who have been around for a lot shorter time that have been run more to a business model (e.g TV Avangalists, LDS). The WTS wouldnt be a big player in comparision.

    I tend to go with option (2) myself. But hey I wanna hear what you say.

  • Refriedtruth

    The Watchtower corporation is run by a lot of lawyers.

    How many frigging legal whores do you need??

    Seriously,if they were all benevolent and charitable why do they hire the best expensive lawyers?

    By contrast how many lawyers does the Red Cross have?

    By comparison Scientology is all lawyers at their HQ in Clearwater Florida.

  • DesirousOfChange

    At the local level, I'm quite confident that most JWs are sincere, honest people who are just trying to do what they believe to be the Will of God. Most have been raised in The Truth (TM) and taught that the WTS is God's Channel or Organization and they must follow the direction of the F&DS without question. And most do so. (If F&DS said to plant turnips upside down I'd plant turnips upside down.)

    I would like to think that most of the highest of the WTS leadership (including GB) are also sincere, however they are also misguided and delusional. They truly think they too are doing the Will of God. God himself has chosen them to "lead" His People (just like Moses). In their mind, their harsh policies that may harm people (ie disfellowshipping) are to protect God's Flock and they truly believe that anyone who "turns against" them is turning against God. They also are convinced that Satan is using anyone and everyone to attack them in an attempt to destroy them because they are God's Chosen Ones. Thus, the Governments are evil, other religions are evil, anyone leaving the Christian Cong is evil. I see it as the same mentality that allows religious extremists of other religions to commit suicide bombings killing themselves and dozens (or even hundreds/thousands) of other people. [These terrorists also truly believe they are doing God's (Allah's) Will.]

    I think if most Elders or former-Elders who are members here are honest, they will admit they had a feeling of "God's approval" over all that they did in the Congregation including serving on Judicial Committees and disfellowshipping people. They saw these people as rebels or evil sinners or wicked. After all, that's what they have been told repeatedly over and over in WT publications and at meetings/CAs/DCs and Elder Schools. They are God's Instruments in keeping the Christian Congregation clean. Any harmful effects of their actions became the fault of the "sinner" themselves, as they "brought it upon themselves" by turning their backs on Jehovah and leaving The Truth (TM) . Thus any actions they took such as "stalking" adulterous mates or "ambushing" faders or inactive ones to spring a JC on them, was totally justified. They were on a Mission from God. [Jake Blues]

    Eventually some of us have woken up to it all, including some all the way to the highest levels of the Organizational structure. Unfortunately, I think it takes a real "slap in the face" to shock an individual into seeing through it all since typically they have fed on the propaganda for years and years. There are numerous shocking examples in history where "good" people (often in great numbers) were convinced that they were performing a Good Work (often in the name of God) even though they were committing atrocities.

    It's hard to change policies when even questioning them is a "sin" worthy of "death" [DFing].



    It's sad. They are people who are fearful of life. Life is always just around the corner in the New World. Since they are so afraid they make easy targets. I now see the WTBTS as a mirror image of apostate Jerusalem. Maybe all the high-priests are not bad? Still the system itself has become so corrupted that it cannot be salvaged.

    I also believe that the Corporation has taken over long ago. The GB and everyone else are slaves to this entity. I am sure there are corrupt people telling the GB ( Emperors ) that their new magical clothes are fantastic. Anyone who can't see those clothes are lacking faith. I think it's too late for them, they can't even back up and punt now. Time to send out the bench warmers and go through the motions, game over...

    Even if they did a massive restructuring, and really admitted all their mistakes, I would never trust them. Organized religion is totally unnecessary, and more often than not becomes a snare and a racket. Just my opinion.



  • oppostate

    hey joe

    I think that it's both. It's a religion run by an oligarchy that is sure of it's righteousness and will do anything that is beneficial to its organization while combatting fiercely anything that may hinder its progress.

    The people in charge of it, over the decades, have changed it into a hive mentality organization.

  • jgnat

    (3) The Watchtower Society is a publishing corporation. The Jehovah's Witnesses are the sales arm. The relationship between these entities makes it impossible to dismantle or reform. Cruelties are accidental, and are a by-product of it's impersonal goal of self-preservaton. There are good people trapped in it's peculiar ideologies, just as there are predators taking advantage of the same.

    "So my question is this??? How can a money hungry, heartless corporation at the same time be supplying its products at a loss. To the extent that this has forced them to sell up and cut back."

    I suggest they are not money-hungry but motivated by self-preservation. Due to a court case against Jimmy Swaggart Ministries a few years back, they can't charge for literature unless they are willing to pay taxes on it. They are not willing to pay taxes. Congregations are not willing to put as much in the coffers. Belt-tightening ensues.

  • jgnat

    I think Rutherford was a greedy man, prone to excess.

  • Ding

    The OP presents two views of reality and asks which is correct.

    My question is which would be WORSE:

    #1: Knowing you are running a religious scam for power and perks? or

    #2: Wrongly but sincerely believing that God speaks through you and you alone and that the eternal destiny of everyone on earth depends on whether or not they submit to your authority and believe without question the latest version of your ever-changing teachings?

    Both are harmful to millions of people.

    IMO, #1 is morally reprehensible but #2 is more frightening because it is delusional.

    When we look at the history of various cults, I think we have seen leaders who began as #1 but at some point -- because of their success at developing devoted followers -- transitioned into #2.

  • Farkel

    The WTS is sincerely trying to do the will of God, but only if God is greedy and heartless.


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