144,000 Number Complete in First Century???

by bruh 2 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • bruh

    I was watching the History Channel's "The Bible" and the part about the apostles life after Jesus, the scene where the ressurected Jesus appears to Peter and tells him to go to Cornileus (Gentile/non jew)- got me wondering if at that point is it possible that the 144,000 number was filled/completed???

    Who knows??? especially since the new FDS change, the 1935 gathering is now thrown out- wonder what to believe from the Organization now- wouldnt you think !!!

  • Larsinger58

    The 144,000 are specifically 12,000 from each of the 12 tribes, which are sealed after Christ arrives at the second coming. These represent the root of the tree which is 1/10th of the entire tree (Isa 6:13). That means the gentiles in the kingdom are 1,296,000.

  • cassuk11

    You got it friend

    IN fact all the prohecies were about the 1st century. The Messiah said to those who asked the question ie the aposltes that soem of them would still b ealive when he returned also they would not finish going through all the cities of Israel before the son of man returned in hiskingdom.He told those 1st centruy believers he would return in their generation not 2000 years later. The time was at hand, near,close etc et c 2000 years ago. We have all been mislead by all the churhces since the 1700's. The king cmae back and took them to the New Jerusalem where they reign with him right now.All that is left for is for us the believers to enter in.It is spiritual,cannot be seen or touched.It is not made by human hands. It is not made of bricks or mortar. The true church cannot be seen.. The 1st centruty beleivers were fully expectant of his return. Have a look at my yourube channel there are 200 videos i made some tshow oyu plainly what happened in the first centruy thereare two called 50 things your church did not teach you part one and two. The sons and daughers of God are being set free form the menatl, emotionaland spiritual chains that has gone one for hundreds of years and are entering into the KIngodm within you, he in us , you in him Jesus CHrist. Peace and Love in CHrist

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