Broadcast bethel video conference in France and its colonies.

by StephaneLaliberte 4 Replies latest jw experiences

  • StephaneLaliberte

    Yesterday, I assisted to a video conference that was broadcasted throughout France and its colonies. Here are my observations:

    Intro: The meeting was called a short “special assembly" that was broadcasted to our hall. The brother that presided the meeting explained that the broadcast was attended by more then 140 000 people in their respective halls and assembly complexes. The broadcast covered France, French Polynesia, St-Peter and Miquelon and other places.

    Watchtower study: After a kingdom melody and a prayer, there was a 30 minutes talk based on the current watchtower.

    Small 30 min talk: This talk was mainly reporting the various different numbers achieved by the organization such as memorial attendance, pioneers, baptisms, etc. There were some experiences about bible studies and the special program for preaching in the street. The talk then concluded by saying that these reports were proofs that Jehovah’s blessing is on the organization.

    Special Talk: After a kingdom melody, there was a one hour talk given by William Malenfant who is in charge of the writing department in Brooklyn. Though I have not taken notes, I can share the details that did make an impression on me.

    Only a few men:

    The brother stressed the idea that Jehovah has used only a few people to teach his people, explaining that there was a governing body directing and overseeing the preaching work in the first century. Also, that there were only 8 Jews that wrote the Greek scriptures, only 8! That everything we know about Christianity has come to us through the writings of these 8 men.

    Worshipping the God you know:

    Referring to the conversation that Jesus had with the Samaritan (John 4). Explaining that the Samaritan only believed in the writings of Moses, they did not know God for they did not know how he had brought about his will using the people of Israel. He then made the link to our times explaining how the JWs worship Jehovah understanding that hell, purgatory and immortality of the soul are false teachings and the truth concerning the 144 000. Because of this fact, the witnesses alone worship a god that they know while all others are not worshipping God. Since their description of God is false, then, they are worshipping something that does not exists and thereby, do not worship God.

    True understanding only through the slave:

    The brother voiced the following idea (I’m paraphrasing): You would not know God if he had not been revealed to you by the faithful slave. From reading the bible alone, would you have come to these understandings? Would you have started going door to door preaching the good news all by yourself? Of course not! These teachings had to be brought to you. We must display our appreciation for this privilege by working with the faithful slave in accomplishing Jehovah’s will.

    Only organization to do Jehovah’s will: The brother then went on asking rhetorical questions: Who preaches the name of Jehovah throughout the earth? Who conducts the preaching work? Who displays the love described by Jesus concerning his true disciples? At every questions, he paused with a smile conveying the feeling that it was obviously the JWs.

    The slave uses the bible:

    Raising his bible in the air and tapping it repeatedly, the brother said: Everything the governing body teaches is found in the bible. The slave does not make up anything. Everything that is thought is taken from the bible, from Jehovah’s word and simply prepared to be served to Jehovah’s people.

    True display of love:

    He used examples about JWs who risked their lives in Rwanda and Burundi to protect their fellow witnesses. He also stressed the idea that witnesses are there where there are catastrophes.

    I don’t have the time to review these points one by one, but I must admit that this talk left me profoundly uncomfortable questioning how one person can say all of these things in so little time and not wonder about his accountability to God.

  • DeWandelaar

    Dear ecan6,

    Thanks for the above post... it makes me sick how they look at other people who believe. The arrogance and the downright bullshit they are telling are irritating me to the bone.

  • BluesBrother

    Video Conferance....broadcast to the Hall. Is this the shape of things to come? It is cheaper than hiring Halls and sure cuts down the travelling

    ....Thanks for the info

  • sylvlef


    i was there too.this left me uncomfortable but much less than the 2011 speech from GB member (Splane i believe) in Le Bourget...this was a piece of work...

  • Bobcat


    Your synopsis of the talk sounds very much like the last talk on the SAD we just had in Orangeburg, SC, USA. This talk was delivered by L. Weaver Jr. (Pres. of the WT, I was told). Point by point, it sounded like it was given in the same order, although the main part of the talk was about the conscience. The part you described sounded more like a sub-title within the talk.

    Thanks for your synopsis.

    Take Care

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