What WTS could learn - arrogance, entitlement, telling people how they should live their lives.

by berrygerry 1 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • berrygerry

    Hey Simon:
    Do you think that the WTS could learn something in the Orange Crush steamrolling a 44-year dynasty?

    For non-Albertans (a province in Canada), a 44-year ruling party got tossed on their ass, with extreme prejudice.

    In the last little while, they behaved exactly like WTS does to their subjects.

    The Dark Ages - are they ending?

  • hoser

    I was thinking a similar thought. The pcs were in the mindset that an election win was a guaranteed right. The entitlement attitude these guys had was something else.

    The governing body also feel they are entitled. The only difference is that we can't vote the governing body out of office.

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