Anti-Watchtower is DejaVu all over again

by scotoma 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • scotoma

    Remember the Catholic Church?

    Remember the Protestants. Protest-Ants.

    The Catholic Church remains the largest Christian Organization on earth. Some say twice the size of protestants.

    This is typcial of dissenters. They tend to fragment.

    It's all noise in the machinery.

    Most people who are no longer JW's have a lot of catching up to do and don't have time for such distractions.

    The choicest morsels yet came from a Governing Body dissenter - Ray Franz. And he remained a captive to the really big lie "God and the Bible Storybook"

    Time will do more damage than any "anti-" group.

  • Perry
    This is typcial of dissenters. They tend to fragment.

    Christians are unified in their one to one relationship with Jesus. Many Catholics have more than one mediator (Mary as"Mediatrix" as well as their organization "without which no one can be saved"), Mormons have their priesthood, JW's have their governing body... and others venerate their own works or their church as having co-redemptive characteristics. All such idolatry is rejected by God.

    Jesus is clear that the terms of the new covenant require "one mediator" ONLY.

    Christians have Christ alone as mediator and savior. They always have, and always will.

    Fragmentation is a result of ...... well fragmentation :-)

  • SkyGreen

    sadly scotoma, i think you are right

  • ÁrbolesdeArabia

    Perry, Christians need to realize that their brothers and sisters are all who confess "Jesus Christ as Mediator to God the Father"(1 John 5:1-4) and their way of life is their testimony to all. To all who endured the Organization of the "Tower", it's really hard for us to talk to anyone who has not been through this.

    Do you have any idea what it's like to know you gave away the best part of your life to a Lie? We thought we were God's chosen assistants to the Governing Body, we handed over our thinking capacity to a group of men who did much of our thinking. It's no fun to hit rock-bottom, we all feel like we have been through the "long con" and now we try to regain our dignity as we strategically work to keep our family with us.

    The Op-Thread is childish using the less logic we as JWs are use to. I feel very bad we have people like him telling all Christians Fundamental, Lutherean, Baptists, ects they are not Christians but "ants" with no proof. Christians need to put their minds together, not apart are we end up with more and more of these whackos killing innocents like today. Christians must work together and build up our relationships, Catholics, Protestants, and everyone else who believes in Jesus Christ as the only way to Salvation and God the Father!

  • Phizzy

    You are right in what you say, but any activists actually doing something is a positive thing.

    We forget sometimes the victims of the WT, because we are now free and no longer victims to a great degree.

    The victims still die through lack of a Blood Transfusion, by suicide brought on by pure desperation, victims are still being ABUSED RIGHT NOW !

    Any positive action that may change this terrible situation in some measure is to be applauded and supported.

    If it all achieves nothing then all the ones who have tried to pour cold water on AAWA can have the satisfactiom of saying:

    "I told you so, now let me sit back and do bugger-all myself".

  • LouBelle

    ag they mean no harm, they are looking to get TTATT out there - power to them.

    I'm quite happy to provided one on one encouragement or meet up and speak things through with people.

    I do have a lot of catching up to do - I've only been out for 7 years - got lots to do, see, experience, etc.

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