
by LittleToe 5 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • LittleToe

    Forgive me if this topic has been covered before.

    Satan used one in Eden.
    In first prophecy serpent is spoken of as being cursed, and ultimately has head crushed (before heel wound???).
    Moses has a staff that turns into a serpent that eats up the Egyptian priests serpent staffs.
    God uses serpents in the wilderness, to harm Israelites, before having Moses create a copper serpent idol that the Israelites must look to for life.
    Jesus likens Pharisee's to offspring of vipers.
    Christ is later likened to this serpent, that we are to look to.
    We are cautioned to be cautious as serpents, yet innocent as doves.
    Serpent / dragon is cast into Gehenna.
    Shelby recently commented on Seraphs being fiery serpents.

    At the risk of doing "an Alward" - anyone done any research on any of this?

  • logical


    doesnt matter now

  • logical

    maybe that will go some way to explaining things

  • Farkel

    : At the risk of doing "an Alward" - anyone done any research on any of this?

    I always got a kick out the serpent that allegedly talked to Eve. Some feat, considering snakes don't have any vocal chords. It must have been "ventriloquism" or something.


  • SYN

    Remember, Farkel, Satan can do ANYTHING. According to the Dubs, that is. Even though he can do ANYTHING, tho, he can't leave this solar system and leave us to God.

    If Satan were so powerful, why does he hang around on Earth when he knows God wants to nail him?

    Now, if I were Satan (AWESOME), I would just piss off to a neighbouring solar system or something and play Star Trek! Seriously now. This is another flaw in Dub doctrine, as well as their not mentioning in any significant way what happens to the astronauts on the ISS or on the Moon (if it happens in the distant future) when (H)Armageddon arrives.

    So many holes, so little time...

    I'm sure glad we don't vote anymore like we did before we got the truth. Now we get to complain about everything ALL the politicians do!
    [SYN], UADA - Unseen Apostate Directorate, Africa

  • Imbue

    Didn’t you know that satan is telepathic? He can make you think that his voice is coming from another person or object. Don’t you watch demonic movies? What kind of apostates are you? [8>]

    Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

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