The Compartmentalization Sympthoms Of The Governing Body's New Light On The Faithful And Discrete Slave Prophecy Fantasy

by frankiespeakin 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • frankiespeakin

    Huge amounts of compartmentalization to coup with cognitive dissonance. I'm sure 90% of all readers agree with me when I say this New Light is just a fantasy being played out in the minds of the Governing Body who originate it and in the gullible rank and file who uncritically accept it. Though out the WT study designed to explain the New Light we see rampant compartmentalization. This is a common cause of psychological problems another words a person is way out of touch with reality because of denial and mental defenses are going hay wire from convoluted reasoning to supress feelings of cognitive dissonance through compartmentalization of incompatible cognitions. I think we can expect lots of sympthoms showing up in the Governing Body and genuine beleivers.

    Psychoanalysis considers that whereas isolation separates thoughts from feeling, compartmentalization separates different (incompatible) cognitions from each other. [ 2 ] As a secondary, intellectual defense, it may be linked to rationalization. [ 3 ] Related also is the phenomenon of neurotic typing, whereby everything must be classified into mutually exclusive and watertight categories. [ 4 ]

    Otto Kernberg has used the term bridging interventions for the therapist's attempts to straddle and contain contradictory and compartmentalized components of the patient's mind. [ 5 ]

    Compartmentalization may lead to hidden vulnerabilities in those who use it as a major defence mechanism. [ 6 ]

    Those suffering from borderline personality disorder will often divide people into all good versus all bad, to avoid the conflicts removing the compartments would inevitably bring, using denial or indifference to protect against any indications of contradictory evidence. [ 7 ]

    Using indifference towards a better viewpoint is a normal and common example of this. It can be caused by someone having used multiple compartment ideals and having been uncomfortable with modifying them, at risk of being found incorrect. This often causes double-standards, and bias. [citation needed]

  • frankiespeakin

    I really do pity the poor Jehovah's Witnesses who study this and accept in detail this hunk of delusional garbage, I fore see many visits to the psych ward over this sick delusional fantasy being spread around the world onto the faithful rank and file.

  • Ding

    Cedars has proposed some good questions in his article.

    I have proposed some other questions in a separate thread I started earlier today.

    It seems to me that asking questions is the best chance to get JWs to think.

    The WTS has trained them to answer questions about "the truth."

    Let's make sure they have some good questions to work on with regard to this "new light."

    Of course, we have to come up with the questions because most JWs won't.

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    I don't think we will see those symptoms within the GB. They are acting in a rational way, tightening their grip and doing damage control.

    But, among believers, definitley yes. It would be disasterous if they reacted emotionally on every change in teaching. So, yes, I think we can observe a lot of isolation/compartementalization.

    In the long run, this probably will result in some symptoms, maybe depressive.....feelings of emptyness etc. If the cognitive dissonance ( in a way a defence mechanism) can't protect/defend the beleivers self-images this in the end can maybe be a psychological "time-bomb". Hmmm...I hope I'm wrong.

  • frankiespeakin


    I kind of think the Governing Body are in a very strong state of denial they are projecting too much evil outside themselves so stubornly to the point that they have become delusional about their own importance unembarrisingly self promotional that How could they ever go this far and not have severe bouts of depression, paranoia, I wonder if they arn't already seeing some kind of outside shrink to deal with the symthoms.

  • designs

    There will be more going on in many of the JWs minds as they study this new twist on the FDS. Just remember 1995 and the new 'generation' teaching, it helped a lot of us finally wake up.

  • thecrushed

    May the cognative dissonance drive them insane enough to ask brave questions.

  • Dismissing servant
    Dismissing servant

    Frankie: I find it interesting speculating about the psychological state of the GB. Don't you think they all know that all JW-teaching is just plain bullshit, and that they are in to have a comfortable life with some status (narcissistic) in the organisation? Outside the org they would be just nobody. now they are managing the organisation mainly in a damage-control mode.

    But I'm not sure. You could be right. If they are that delusional they could be really dangerous.

  • TotallyADD

    I agree with Dismissing servant. Ater seeing the Doc. called "Waiting on Armageddon" I learned there are many fundemetal groups who teach almost the same thing the WT teaches. It was so sad to see young teenagers sad because they believe they will never marry or have children because the world was going to be destoryed. I just not the WT that causes psychological problems among their subjects it is also any of these end earthers that exist in the U.S. We need to look out for these groups also. Totally ADD

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