NEED HELP with design for watchtower sign

by Slavenomore 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • Slavenomore

    I've noticed some of you here are good with quick designs. I have an idea for gurilla marketing I think will work for my area and areas like mine I work in a densely populated area. Lots of traffic lights. On the poles and walls that surround this mandetory waiting periodss I would like to place stickers that will say something like: WATCHTOWER INC. PROTECTS PEDOPHILES SOMESomething that can be read quick and rembered like jehovahs witnesses are a dangerous cult the sign woukd be in halfone and 4"x5". The problem is I don't have a desktop kust use an ipad and phone I would need it in a downloadable format so I can bring it to kinkos and run them off. the small format provides a challenge I know but I think the talent exhibitted by this forum is up to the task. Any takers??? target audience: faders, bible students and generally aware populace.

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