Jailed Cult Leader Jeff is Still in Control, Says News Report

by Scott77 3 Replies latest social current

  • Scott77


    This links to the current jail stories of American large cult members in Armenia. Its very sickening and sad that are suffering for cult leaders in New York.



  • return of parakeet
    return of parakeet

    But at least Jeffs himself isn't out there raping teenage girls anymore.

    Bubba Warren.

    Or so we hope.

  • flipper

    SCOTT- What a sickening example of cult mind control. Good lord. This jerk-off is still controlling his followers from behind bars. Incredible. It makes me realize in comparison that if the WT leaders were ever imprisoned for anything, child abuse, money laundering, or fraud - most rank & file Jehovah's Witnesses would happily still take directions and instructions from jailed WT leaders in prison. I mean, think about Rutherford back in 1918 when he and GB members were imprisoned- they spin controlled it into being alleged " persecution " and convinced JW's back then that the " superior authorities " were " persecuting " them. WT Society will always try to put a damge control spin effect on news in order to still control JW's. It's sickening. Peace out, mr. Flipper

  • Scott77

    "...It makes me realize in comparison that if the WT leaders were ever imprisoned for anything, child abuse, money laundering, or fraud - most rank & file Jehovah's Witnesses would happily still take directions and instructions from jailed WT leaders in prison..."

    Yes, that is most likely to happen. I would imagine the Watchtower society of Jehovah's Witnesses GB turning such a situation to their advantage. Think of it, we are the only true christian religion who are being persecuted, yes proof of the last days, blah, blah... For those jailed guys in Armenia, Iam thinking of them as being so brainwashed,not knowing the Malawi-Mexico hypocrisy which is almost similar to what they are going through.


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