It just doesn't look good

by truthseeker1 4 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • truthseeker1

    Did anyone else hear that for all the questions of 'Why do we do this?' or 'how come we can't do that?' That was the most BS cop-out answer I have heard. Why can't I sit next to my fiance? It just doesn't look good. Why can't I go on a date alone? It just doesn't look good. BAH! [>:(]

  • Fire Dragon
    Fire Dragon

    Heard it all the time. I was allowed to sit with my fiancee, but not to date w/o a chaperone.

    "...if there is a hell, I'll see you there." (NIN - Downward Spiral)
    I'll be the one providing the fire.

  • Kismet

    I'd comment on this, but it just wouldn't look good.


    When I get home later I'll post about an experience I had as a Bethelite travelling down to Tennessee to see a sister I was dating there. It ties in perfectly with your examples above.


  • SYN

    TS1: Your post was a bit confusing...but I grokked it eventually. Never had this problem myself, simply because I hated all BORG women (they were content-free drones).

    I'm sure glad we don't vote anymore like we did before we got the truth. Now we get to complain about everything ALL the politicians do!
    [SYN], UADA - Unseen Apostate Directorate, Africa

  • out4good3

    I know Jw's who are virtual prisoners in their homes based upon this kind of thinking.

    Let's see that R rated it won't look good!
    Can I have that Pokeman it won't look good!
    Elder Father, can I go to it won't look good!
    Devout Mom, can I be a it won't look good!
    Brother so and so, can I not wear a tie it won't look good!

    Can I think for it won't look good!

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