A Non Witness Attends The Memorial

by Bangalore 6 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Bangalore
  • IsaacJ22

    She asked me a question; “Do you know what the world would look like if no one ever sinned?” I answered, “Well, I supposed we’d all be running around naked and living in a big Garden.”

    “That’s right and one day Jehovah is going to return the earth to its original purpose.”

    “You mean we’re all going to be running around naked in a big Garden?”

    That's pretty close to how my sensibilities react to claims like this. A very overzealous in-law, who doesn't know when to quit, once handed me a magazine that had a pic of their paradise on the cover. It was the usual scene of a forest filled with multi-cultural pals wondering around with painfully sharp smiles. She pointed to a spot on the cover that was devoid of any shiny, happy people, and asked me, with tears in her eyes, "Would you like to be here?"

    I told her no. "I'm allergic to bugs." (I also sunburn easily.)

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    It's taken a few years but I can undrrstand how a non JW would have trouble with the whole concept of the Memorial. "We're all here in our Sunday best and very active in inviting relatives, and those who have left. We'll orgainze the event and give talks and prayers. But, this isn;t for us. It's for the 8-10-12-14k who like the Jesus Juice and crackers. Oh and btw. The Jesus juice drinkers are in reality, just crazy. But we have the event anyways, and then count the number of the crazies."

    I just don't understand what point non JW's are supposed to walk away with

  • Ding
    I just don't understand what point non JW's are supposed to walk away with

    The WTS doesn't seem to get is that what non JWs walk away with is the thought, "It's a cult!"

  • whathappened

    I learned something from this blog:

    "Luke 22:21 clearly states that, “The hand of my betrayer is with me at the table.” At every memorial I have ever been too, verse 19 and 20 are always read from Luke chapter 22, but they never read the very next verse. Whenever I get a chance to talk to a Jehovah’s Witness after the event, I have always asked about this contradiction. Why does the Watchtower teach that Judas was not present when Jesus plainly says he was?"

    I never knew that was in the Bible! I believed the WTS!

  • Gypsy Sam
    Gypsy Sam

    How do you find these articles? I search every day for jw news. Great article.

    @Whathappened, I thought the exact same thing!!!

  • Bangalore

    Hi Gypsy Sam

    I found it via Google Blog Search.


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