Party at the Kingdom Hall!

by OneDayillBeFree 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • OneDayillBeFree

    So being that once upon a time I was one of the elites, a regular pioneering, high & mighty JW, I still have the "keys to the kingdom" as I've always called them and was bored this past Saturday night and had a couple NON-JW friends (the real & unconditional kind) in my car. As we were driving around trying to find something new and exciting to do we passed by the road which leads to my KH.

    And then I thought why not go over there, show my friends what this cult looks like from the inside?

    They agreed to come. Now it was around 10ish and no one comes to the hall that late, at least no one at my hall unless there's like a judicial committee or a CO visit. So I unlocked the door, disabled the alarm (1914 backwards) and went in.

    I showed them the library and all the cultish, brainwashing literature from past and present. It was weird how they all caught on to the fact that it was all BS but never made fun of me or judged me for being part of it.

    Then after that we went to the main section and one of my friends hooked up his iPod and started playing WORLDLY music! Then another guy said that we should have a party and he called some more friends to bring drinks and come over. Then we used the microphones to sing to our favorite songs and danced on the stage! Oh and this was with most of the lights off with the exception of the main stage lights and the bathrooms.

    So in total we were around 10 people. All non jdubs and me. They were the ones that thought that having a party there could be therapeutic in some way to myself and I believe it was. We had a blast! We made a little bit of a mess on the main floor and I think one of the girls "decorated" the bathroom walls with sharpy! But it wasn't crazy and out of control. Once we were done (around 12:30ish am) we all worked together to clean the place up.

    It was truly one of the best things I've ever done. And definitely the best time I've ever had at a Kingdom Hall! The funny part is that I haven't been to the meetings in about 3 weeks and I didn't go on Sunday so I wonder what the brothers must have thought of the hall when the meeting started...

  • SkyGreen

    lol, is this a late april fools joke!? if not, yay you. And they couldnt say you were trespassing... you have a key!

  • OneDayillBeFree

    @SkyGreen nope not an April fools joke! Haha man I actually kind of forgot about April fools... Remembering holidays still takes some getting used to. But this really happened this past Saturday night! And yeah they can't touch me while I have the key!

  • SkyGreen

    wish i was one of your friends... that wouldve been fun...

  • steve2

    Making fun of your (former) brothers and sisters place of worship? What do you want or need us to say? Good on you for your sneaky ways? This sounds in dubious taste and perhaps would play right into JWs stereotypes of the kinds of disrespectful things they might expect former witnesses to do.

  • OneDayillBeFree

    @SkyGreen well hey hopefully one day we'll meet! I have this plan I'm working on, which I'll go more in depth on another thread, where after I'm officially out of the org I'd like go to different states, and possibly even other countries if it works out, to where other ex-JW's/faded/stuck in/lonely/newly df'd & da'd ones are and hang out a bit. Kind of like an apostatfest but smaller or more personal.

    I'd also like to maybe in the distant future start a home for ex-JW teens who've been kicked out of their homes because of leaving the religion. (I refuse to use the word truth when referring to the wtb&ts)

  • OneDayillBeFree

    I believe you're right Steve2. I'm sorry if I've offended you or if I offended any lurking on-the-fence JW's.

    I am still a witness and after not having much of a childhood or actual teenage life I feel like my actions are still based on a younger rebellious version of me that never really got its chance to come out.

    But I will let you know this and you may believe it or not, but before when I used to work at the conventions during the summer, the colesium overseer would select a small number of maybe 2-4 brothers, in good standing, to watch the colesium during the night. Now since there were two bethelites visiting along with the other special bethelite speakers they volunteered to stay and do the night watch. & they asked me and some of the other sound brothers to join them. So we did.

    I personally thought it would be quite boring and filled with them telling spiritual uplifting stories about bethel and the organization. But I was so wrong!

    One of the first things they did was get on the go-cart in the back of the colesium and ride it all around like crazy people. Then they bought glow sticks and threw them everywhere getting some stuck on the speaker cluster in the middle. And they also played some worldy music.

    But that's not what amazed me. What really made me go "wtf" was that they decided to go swimming in the baptism pool and stayed there for about 2 hours. None of the sound bothers including myself went in. But they did. I just couldn't justify going into the pool even though I knew it was all BS!

    Then to top it off, the older bethelite called his girlfriend (also a bethelite) to come and hang out and she did. They disappeared into one of the rooms and I still have no idea what they did in there alone.

    Now this may seem like I'm trying to justify my actions because I saw bethelites doing similar things and I kind of am but I just want to let you know that one doesn't have to be an apostate to do these things.

    The main point of my op was to inform you all on how worldy people, despite having fun amd living their lives the way they want, they are pretty much the same if not even much better than those in supposed "good standing" in the org.

  • *lost*

    Very disrespectful. I would fel the same way if you said it was any other church or place of worship. Your acting like stupid kid. just because you see others doing things, doesn't mean to say it is right, and that it's ok for you to copy them. You have your own brain, you are responsible for your actions.

    jw or not, respect and responsibility are requirements of everyone.

    Sorry, but I think what you did is nothing short of pathetic and there is no excuse for it. You are giving everyone else a bad reputation. Just because we have left the wt org, does not mean we all hate everyone involved and want their destuction or to cause them pain. It's called being a decent upstanding responsible member of society. Religion has nothing to do with it.

    Some of us are still christians and choose to live by the mantra, after all that is what being a christian is all about.

    Bad enough the wt org is labelling us as demons and mentally diseased to those still stuck in their trap. People like you got to do stupid things to give them more amunition to use against us.


    We are dealing with peoples lives here. PEOPLE. LIVES.

  • steve2

    I agree with you Lost - it would be a disrespectful act carried out in any formal place of worship. I'm pleased the thread starter acknowledged his actions were offensive - but his excuse-making is nothing short of pathetic. There's no comparison between a convention building with its separate swimming pool and a dedicated Kingdom Hall. I'd react the same if a former Mormon did the same in his former church. It's about respecting people's places of worship - whether or not we subscribe to their beliefs or practices.

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