North Korea Appionts a new Premier.

by fulltimestudent 0 Replies latest social current

  • fulltimestudent

    The Chinese Global Times says that NK has appointed a new premier, or rather re-appoints one who was a previous Premier.


    North Korea's parliament on Monday appointed former premier Pak Pong-ju to the top cabinet post again, a day after he was named as a member of the top decision body of the country's ruling party.

    Pak served as North Korea's premier between 2003 and 2007 and was then believed to have spearheaded a series of economic reforms in the country before he was sacked.

    Analysts said the appointment of reform-minded Pak is an indication that Pyongyang is likely to embark on some reforms to rejuvenate its economy, but whether such a drive can really make a difference is in doubt due to North Korea's nuclear ambitions.

    Pak was sworn in at the annual meeting of the Supreme People's Assembly, replacing Choe Yong-rim, North Korea's KCNA official news agency reported.

    Pak, believed to be in his 70s, is a key ally of Jang Song-thaek, uncle of the top leader Kim Jong-un, Reuters reported.

    Pak on Sunday was already named a standing member of the powerful Political Bureau of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) Central Committee at a plenary meeting of the party.



    This gets interesting as Pak is supposed to be reform minded. And, he may be one of the relatively few people in NK who has some business sense and experience.

    The above report also quoted a lecturer from the Communist Party of China's University, that:


    Pyongyang might put more focus on building its economy as it has already achieved what it wanted through recent nuclear and missile tests, said Zhang Liangui, a specialist in Korean issues at the International Strategic Research Bureau at the Party School of the Central Committee of the CPC.


    This may give us some insight to the last few days. As usual (and contraary to popular belief) there are factions in Nk's Korean Workers Party. Some are gungho and some are reform minded. Pak is reputed to be reform minded. So his appointment may mean that the economy and living standards will get more attention. But to keep the other side happy, we had to go through the last few days of threats.

    Doesn't make sense? No! but Chrsitianity doesn't make sense either, but people still believe that Jesus is coming back and built their lives around it.

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