The Watchtower April Fool

by radar 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • radar

    The Watchtower April Fool

    I have just received a copy of the Watchtower April 15th, which a friend posted to me. He highlighted an article to me, entitled “Two Pastors who Appreciated Russell’s Writings””.

    The Watchtower article features a former pastor of the Waldenses: Daniele Rivoire, who translated Russell’s book Divine Plan of the Ages into Italian, and Giuseppe Banchetti. who also was a pastor of the Waldenses.

    In the first paragraph, the article says that the professor had an “open mind”as regards the writings of Russell, which led Daniele Rivoire to do the translations for Russell.
    This statement is incredible in view that many JWs are dissfellowshiped because they have displayed just such an open mind with regard to doctrine and a search for truth.

    In the third paragraph, the author of this article reveals his ignorance or deception, by stating that Jehovah’s Witnesses in 1903 were then called “Bible Students”.
    The reality is, that Jehovah’s Witnesses today bear no resemblance at all to the “Bible Students” of Russell day. In fact, if Russell were alive today he would almost certainly be dissfellowshiped by present Watchtower policy.

    Jehovah’s Witnesses today, do not reflect the teachings of Russell.
    Rutherford regarded pastor Russell’s teaching on salvation, as revealed in “Studies in the Scriptures” as a “Ruse of the Devil” (Salvation page 38,351,354)

    Does this Watchtower researcher also not realise that Rutherford was in a process of wholesale repudiation of Russell’s six volumes!!!

    The April Watchtower article shows that Daniele Rivoire and Giuseppe Banchetti, never became “A Bible Student”.
    This truthful observance made in this article is the only redeeming feature..

  • Elsewhere

    Awww, yes! Such beautiful Christian unity! Can't you feeeeel the warm love? Oh, and you don't want to forget the obvious good "fruits" of their activates!

    "As every one knows, there are mistakes in the Bible" - The Watchtower, April 15, 1928, p. 126
    Believe in yourself, not mythology.
    <x ><

  • SYN

    AHAHAHA! Typical.

    Never thought that way - you're very right, Russel would be disfellowshipped so quickly from the BORG that he wouldn't know whether he was coming or going!

    I'm sure glad we don't vote anymore like we did before we got the truth. Now we get to complain about everything ALL the politicians do!
    [SYN], UADA - Unseen Apostate Directorate, Africa

  • Fredhall

    Someone is jealous of Pastor Russell.

  • SYN

    Oh yeah, sure, I'm jealous of a guy who believed the measurements of the pyramids were ordained by God. Correct, FredHall, correct.

    I'm sure glad we don't vote anymore like we did before we got the truth. Now we get to complain about everything ALL the politicians do!
    [SYN], UADA - Unseen Apostate Directorate, Africa

  • radar


    Just in case you missed the obvious, the April fool is the author of that article in the Watchtower.

  • chasson

    There is something that troubled me.

    Look at this, it seems that the original watchtower talked about

    Giuseppe Ba*U*chetti

    This is the Cesnur's article who talked about Giuseppe Ba*N*chetti

    I hope that the watchtower's author has made his own research.



  • Will Power
    Will Power

    thats funny, I can't get to this link
    because it is under occult

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