The Organization Does Not Want You To Think!

by minimus 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • minimus

    They try to keep you on a hamster's wheel and never give you a break.

    If you are young and single, you should be a Regular Pioneer.

    If you are gifted and intelligent you should not even think of college, just preach the beliefs of the Watchtower.

    If you want to get married and then have kids, that's typically discouraged since we are so deep in this time of the end.

    If you are married and have a family, you are expected to act superhuman and perform feats as a way of life like preparing for and attending all meetings, getting out in field service every weekend, caring for the children, feeding them, getting them ready for theocratic activities, and making sure you show appreciation for the spiritual food by being early for the meetings and commenting as you are expected to.

    Then there's Family Worship night which the Pharisees invented in order to study more of the Organization's doctrines.

    Meanwhile if you or your family are under the weather or feeling ill, you are guilted into going to the KH, participating and looking joyful.

    Is there any wonder why "apostates" are so content in life, now??

  • wasblind

    When I started my Bible study, I was on one Blood pressure pill

    the deep I got into this mess I was put on a second

    Now I'm back down to one Blood pressure pill

    My health improved when I dumped that extra stress

    Each day is truly a gift to be enjoyed guilt free

  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    This all makes sense when you understand the methodology of cults and high-control groups:

    If a person has time to think, this person is dangerous to the leaders. Therefore, the leaders must hijack ALL of your time and energy, keeping you so immersed in group activities that you have no time to think and do some meaningful reflection.

    Your life is so focused on the religion you do not realize the religion is your entire life. And that's the way they want it.

    After you've given everything, the leaders will ask, "can't you give some more?" No? You are disloyal and unfaithful!

    From, "The Cult Test":

    Part of surrendering to the cult is giving up on having a personal life or personal goals. Newcomers are instructed to abandon "selfishness" and to devote their lives to serving the master, his group, and their "great cause"

    the cult is the most important thing in the lives of the cult members. Sometimes, it is their entire life.

    Faithful members will tell you that the cult has given them a whole new life, but that new life is often nothing more than working for free all of the time to raise money for the cult, and recruit new members for the cult, and going to meetings, "Bible study classes", "worship services", chanting sessions, meditation sessions, prayer sessions, work parties, "auditing" sessions, training sessions, conventions and other get-togethers. Sometimes, cult members live together in communal houses and have few social contacts besides other cult members. And all they talk about is the cult.

    "too many meetings". They want to occupy too much of your spare time — like all of it. They have meetings, and then they have classes or "Bible study" or "training", and perhaps also lots of prayer sessions or chanting or meditation sessions, and then they have assemblies and conventions, and then some more meetings, in an endless cycle. And somewhere in the midst of all of that you are also supposed to go out recruiting and/or fund-raising.

    The cult also wants to control you. First, they want to control all of your time, and then they will try to control more and more parts of your life: your sex life, your diet, your choice of reading materials, your choice of jobs, your consumption of drugs and alcohol (both legal and illegal), and sometimes even what doctor-prescribed medications you may take.

    The cult demands total loyalty from its members, but the cult has no loyalty to its members. Cult members may be subjected to physical, mental, and/or sexual abuse.

    Cults are marked by the callous, cruel, and insensitive treatment of their members. The cult feels no obligation to tell its members the truth. The cult has no respect for the members' minds, opinions, integrity, or feelings. The cult often subjects members to psychological abuse and mental torture. There may be sexual exploitation and abuse. There may be physical abuse, beatings, or other torture.

    The group is considered more important than the lives of the individual members. The rank and file members are considered expendable; the guru and his cult are not.

    Cults often use members like just so much slave labor. Some cults coldly discard members when they have no further use for them.

  • Slavenomore

    I definitely agree, years of life spent studying and going to meetings for what..?, .so that you haven't time for anything else...especially to think. Because the independent thinker is dangerous to group thinker. I don't believe in anything I was taught by the borg, nothing about the bible except the proverbial wisdom from my favorite apostate Solomon and of course the golden rule. Which they teach in kindergarten! By the way do we really need a complex religious structure, a messiah and pages of "proof" to learn to love and be kind our brother and sister our fellow! If there is a creator, would it be the one described in the books of the bible? A jealous destructive god that blessed mass murderers like David (remember the foreskins) and Samson and many many more. Men, women and children, domestic animals were slaughtered if we are to believe the scribblings of this most holy text to clear the land for a rag tag group of fornicating idol worshipping and genocide consenting Hebrew slaves. Think of the animals that were slaughtered for the blood thirst of this psychopathic god. Then after that he sends his son to be a blood sacrifice! Thanks dad. Think of the corruption and intrigue of the stories found therein. It is said wisdom is proved righteous by its works, look at the works of the monotheistic religions. If you dare look into the cesspool of religion, of any religion, and you are bound to be gagged by the smell of death, hatred and prejudice (apart of course by well intentioned and decent people that spend there time abiding by the rules) or better yet the smell of money. Show me the money! No if there is a god, I don't know it from the bible...maybe the paleolithic peoples had it right, the mother goddess sounds much better then the fabricated legends of kings and their intrigues. Think for yourself, get out while you can, or better yet never accept a single piece of propaganda from these "recruiters". If you are in the corp. never meet with a JC and stop berating yourself to do more for a corporation that has shown and will always show no mercy or an ounce of compassion to you and your plight. Free yourself, free your mind and live the life you choose ASAP. You won't believe how much time you will have to do the things you really want to do.
  • LongHairGal


    Yes, they do not want anybody to think because they might wake up and wonder why the hell they are there.

    They also don't want anybody with good self-esteem either. That was my observation.

  • LisaRose

    The organization constantly preaches and warns of the danger of "independent thinking" and not obeying Jehovah, by which of course they mean the GB, because they presume to speak for him. They teach you that you cannot trust your self to do what is right, you must learn from them. Everything they do is designed to make you completely dependent on them, afraid to leave the safety of the ONLY true religion.

    I had been inactive for years, but still attending meetings, and still mentally enslaved to the organization, when one day I sat back and thought about my life and my decision to stay in a very bad marriage, a decision I made because of "The Truth". I had what my (current) husband calls a BGO (brilliant glimpse of the obvious). Why would God (if he even exists) want me to be stuck in a bad marriage? Either he is cruel, in which case I don't want to serve him, or he doesn't care one way or another, in which case why am I torturing myself? That was the tipping point for me, the moment I broke free of the mind control tactics of the WTBTS.

  • TotallyADD

    If there is a god who created everthing. Didn't he give us free will and to have the ablity of "independent thinking"? But the first thing the WT and other cult's do is tell new people is "independent thinking is wrong". If they accept that thought the rest of the control measures are easy to accept. I marvel at how the WT are masters of this concept. Only madmen and sociopath can come up with this stuff. Yet they do it with a smile on their face. Totally ADD

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