Should Bethel Be Turned Into An Old Folks Home?

by frankiespeakin 5 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • frankiespeakin

    Eventually with out sourcing of printing being more efficiantly and cheaply done, and the decrease in demand for printed material, what should be done with all those career bethelites that are past the age of 65?

    Maybe they should just turn Bethel into an retirement home for thoses that gave their all to the Corporation.

    Maybe keep a few of the more attractive young brothers to do remakes of their famous Masturbation No No videos for the closet gays on the Governing Body? To keep things from getting tideously dull and boring.

  • Zordino

    For one thing, the corp doesn't want any dead weight (in their crazy minds) hanging around so keeping elderly bethelites that they would have to take care of is a million to one shot. Only if the people where high up there would they be taken care of. As for all the weird shit that comes out of the society (eg; the masterbation video), its what makes this the most Hilarious religion around! Although the mormons do have that majic underwear.. Thats pretty funny stuff.

    I would say, it should be turned into an insane asylum for religious Nut Jobs.

  • blondie

    I would say that the WTS is already turning Bethel into a home for older Bethelites at Patterson and Warwick.

  • alecholmesthedetective
  • Phizzy

    They could convert it and run it as a business.

    In Ireland where the Branch has been closed and the bethel home is up for sale, some JW's who run a "charity" which runs homes for old JW's looked at it with a view to using it thus.

    The WT wanted so much money for their redundant building in the middle of nowhere that it was cheaper to buy another ,better located building from "worldly" people.

  • 88JM

    Perhaps they could keep the GB as staff. I love the idea of Splane having to empty bedpans.

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