Arnold Schwarzenegger, 6 rules to success

by possible-san 3 Replies latest social entertainment

  • possible-san

    Arnold Schwarzenegger, 6 rules to success


  • AndDontCallMeShirley

    Awesome video! Thanks for sharing.

    He's made his mistakes (like the rest of us), but how many lifetimes would most people need to accomplish what Arnold has in his one? A lot !

  • LV101

    Incredible video and true of everyone I know successful.

    That horrific four-letter word (to many) --- HARD WORK.

  • Terry

    I recently read Arnold's autobiography. He is truly an aspiring figure.

    People such as him are in the cross-hairs of the losers and nay-sayers who could not wait for him to slip and fall.

    There are always those who are gleeful when somebody makes a wrong turn and who are eager to rub their nose in it.

    But, Arnold is a self-made guy. He takes the blame and he earns the credit.

    What resonated most in that video for me was the idea that while you are sleeping or partying or goofing off there is somebody out there

    working their butt off studying and getting stronger and better. Life is a competition.

    How can you win if you don't play?

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