Does Jehovahs Suffer From Narcissistic Personality Disorder? Lets Go Down the List:

by frankiespeakin 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • frankiespeakin

    Sorry for the cut and paste but they say it better than I can. Anyway I typed in "god diagnosed with npd" and this is some of what came up.

    God Diagnosed with Narcissistic Personality Disorder

    This article endorses the contention that God suffers from a mental disorder, but challenges J. Henry Jurgens’ diagnosis of bipolar disorder as reported in The Onion (“God diagnosed with bipolar disorder”, 2001 ) and proposes narcissistic personality disorder instead. It uses the diagnostic criteria for narcissistic personality disorder from The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders—DSM-IV (American Psychiatric Association, Washington, DC, 1994) and various biblical citations in support of this diagnosis. It rejects the idea that a major personality change is reflected in the New Testament and claims that God did not experience a major transformation of his narcissistic personality structure as described by Heinz Kohut (Forms and transformations of narcissism, in A. P. Morrison, Ed., Essential papers on narcissism, pp. 61–87, New York University Press, New York, 1966/1986 ). However, it concludes that God’s creativity accounts for the stability of his narcissistic personality structure and helps to explain his lack of empathy toward human beings.

    DISCLAIMER: By no means this article is intended to provide medical advice, professional diagnosis, opinion, treatment or services to you or to any other individual. If you believe you have a medical emergency, you should immediately call 911 or your physician.

    Sorry about that, but it was necessary. You wouldn’t believe what people are willing to consider as real. Oh, wait!

    OK, let’s do this. Please bear with me as I elaborate on the reasons for such a statement.

    So, all we need is to check only five items in the diagnostic criteria and we’ve got a mental patient, right?

    Let us review this list of symptoms, summarized by The Mayo Clinic Staff:

    Narcissistic personality disorder is characterized by dramatic, emotional behavior, in the same category as antisocial and borderline personality disorders.

    Narcissistic personality disorder symptoms may include:

    • Believing that you’re better than others ? “I am Yahweh, your God.”
    • Fantasizing about power, success and attractiveness ? I created you and the whole world, in seven six days, and everything was good.
    • Exaggerating your achievements or talents ? Exaggerating to the point of lying: “I exist. I am perfect and omnipotent. I live in heaven.”
    • Expecting constant praise and admiration ????? Worship me and only me, or you will feel my wrath.
    • Believing that you’re special and acting accordingly. ? I am God almighty. I am the one and only God.
    • Failing to recognize other people’s emotions and feelings. ????? Don’t ever question me or my authority.
    • Expecting others to go along with your ideas and plans ? I love you, and you have to love me so that we can live happily together for all eternity.
    • Taking advantage of others. ??????????? You have to kill in my name. Wage war in my name. Cut off family members in my name. Punish and kill children in my name. Discriminate against homosexuals, non-believers and women in in my name. Spread my word and convert others so I have more power. Do all this in the name of God. Because I say so.
    • Expressing disdain for those you feel are inferior. ??? You are all sinners.
    • Being jealous of others. ? Worship me and only me. You shall have no other gods before me.
    • Believing that others are jealous of you. ?
    • Trouble keeping healthy relationships ? I can remain silent for another two thousand years. I don’t have to prove that I exist. Don’t tempt me. Or else.
    • Setting unrealistic goals. ??? Right, like Noah’s Ark, and… remember the rapture promise?
    • Being easily hurt and rejected ????? Of course! That’s why he turned right to genocide. He was butt-hurt by humanity!
    • Having a fragile self-esteem ??? “Worship me, or you will burn in hell for all eternity.”
    • Appearing as tough-minded or unemotional. Well, if he ever *appeared* I’m sure I’d have to check this one too.

    Narcissistic personality disorder crosses the border of healthy confidence and self-esteem into thinking so highly of yourself that you put yourself on a pedestal.

    Doesn’t look good for god, does it. I think I’ve made my point.

    I’m only half joking, If we were really serious about these mental illnesses, god would probably fall into several other borderline personality disorders. The least that you can tell by reading the bible, is that god was bipolar. Back then. When he allegedly did things. You know, he’s been really quiet for quite some time.

  • sir82

    Obsessed with "narcissistic personality disorder", are we?

    Some would say only a narcissist would be obsessed with narcissistic personality disorder.

  • frankiespeakin

    I suppose you could say that. So what's your opinion is Jehovah a sufferer?

  • thinking_ability

    I would go as far as to say the God of the OT is verging on psychopathic, rationalizing the killing of thousands of people because they got in your way.

    And the whole "Love me or I'll kill you". Ultimate psychopathic abuser.

  • frankiespeakin


    Yeah I think psychopathic, would be a good discription of his unremorseful killing sprees he's been known to go on from time to time when he feels like it. And lets not forget to mention collateral damage to the innocent when he's pissed with no saying oops I'm sorry to surviving family members.

  • frankiespeakin

    Here's my theory. God has narcissistic personality disorder. Stay with me as I indulge in two of my favourite pastimes: illuminating monotheistic religion's exploitation of the human desire to feel safe, loved and special; and my constant need to question and expose maladaptive behaviour. Let's pathologise!

    Here's the deal: tick five in the diagnostic criteria and we have an NPD winner!

    * Feelings of grandiosity and self-importance (I am God); exaggerating accomplishments (I made you and the world) to the point of lying (I exist and there is a heaven); demands to be recognised as superior without commensurate achievements (Worship me and only me because I am great and almighty and I know everything).

    * Obsession with fantasies of success, power, brilliance, beauty or perfect love (I will love you, you will love me and we will live happily in eternity).

    * Conviction you are unique and special (I am almighty. I am the one and only God).

    * Requires excessive adulation, attention and affirmation - or, failing that, wishes to be feared (Worship me. And me only. Or you will feel my wrath. Worse still, you will not come to my party in heaven).

    * Feels entitled. Demands automatic compliance with unreasonable expectations for special and favourable priority treatment (Follow my rules and rituals no matter how barmy, or you'll go to hell. And don't question me. Because I am God).

    * Is ''interpersonally exploitative'': uses others to achieve his or her own ends (Kill in the name of God. Wage war in the name of God. Cut off family members in the name of God. Punish children in the name of God. Discriminate against homosexuals, non-believers and women in the name of God. Spread the word and convert others so I have more power in the name of God).

    * Devoid of empathy (Kill in the name of God, etc).

    * Behaves arrogantly (I am great and you are sinners); feels ''above the law'' (Kill in the name of God, etc).

    Atheist pin-up boy Richard Dawkins describes God as "the most unpleasant character in all fiction. Jealous and proud of it. Petty, vindictive, unforgiving and racist. An ethnic cleanser urging his people on to acts of genocide." Mm, smell that NPD!

    It has been suggested that Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Kim Jong-il, Saddam Hussein, Osama bin Laden, Bill Clinton and Barack Obama suffer NPD.

    NPDs are often extremely successful in business, politics, entertainment, sport and the clergy. It's believed a highly emotional, chaotic childhood results in a sense of inferiority, which hobbles NPDs' ability to be true to themselves; instead creating a false reality. Which becomes their reality.

    They are charismatic, persuasive and intelligent and become skilled actors who can fake any emotion and have the ability to make you glow with their favour. But they are deceitful, ruthless, manipulative users who are unpredictable and emotionally erratic. The emotional transaction is wildly out of whack. They expect the best but give very little. They cannot love and have no empathy. But they are emotionally needy and crave attention so hone their skills to attract love, admiration and attention to fill a hole inside them that will never be filled.

    NPDs don't feel they exist without an adoring fan club, so they create their own fantasy world in which they are king. With their manufactured charisma and genuine hauteur, they make others feel special by granting small mercies and bestowing their favour.

    Which is how people get sucked into the transaction of worshipping a God despite no rational evidence. Babies die in ditches every day, yet God helps Hollywood stars win trophies. "Ah yes, the Lord works in mysterious ways. He helps me find my car keys occasionally. And because he's so famous, and he noticed me, that makes me special. So I keep believing. Because if I don't, I won't be special.''

    My 11-year-old atheist gave me the revelation that God had NPD when he said, "I think we invented God and then God invented us."

    It was Galileo who said, ''I do not feel obliged to believe that the same God who has endowed us with sense, reason and intellect has intended us to forgo their use.''

  • thinking_ability

    You have a very smart kid! So the israelites are the true narcissists.
    I guess any 'God' is just a reflection of that culture. I wonder why Yahweh was the one that survived down to this day?

  • frankiespeakin


    No that's not my kid, I'm merely quoteing someone there. Yahwey survived because he is a monster that will kill you if you don't beleive, something that that priest or men of the cloth can use to scare people into submission. I'm not saying these people are evil it is just that Yahwey got what it takes to perpetuate religion do to his gruesomeness that captivates the fearful.

  • John_Mann

    I think every adult converted to JW cult is a Npd or have some temporary psychological disease.

    Npd is a permanent psychiatric disease. It's something related to neural connections.

    The diagnosis of Npd is almost useless to the person itself but extremely necessary to people living with a person who have a Npd. The only thing one can do to protect itself from people with npd is avoid them like the plague. If you cannot avoid them completely you must minimize the contact at least.

  • Brokeback Watchtower
    Brokeback Watchtower

    Well that kind of nullifies Ephesian something or other about "become imitators of God as beloved children and go on walking in love or something like that. Certainly God's threatening behavior towards those that don't obey him completely would be out of the category falling under "love".

    May a more accurate phrase might be" Become imitators of God as if you were his brats and become bullies, braggarts, murders, jealous and prone to sudden out burst of uncontrollable rage.

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