Looking for Sarah-Kate (S'kate) Burgess

by arachnia 4 Replies latest jw experiences

  • arachnia

    I've been searching for Sarah-Kate Burgess, of Southampton, UK since losing touch with her in 1996. She was an au pair here in the States for a year and during that time we became best friends. After she returned home, I visited her twice, once in 1993, and once in 1996. During the last visit, I was in the midst of exiting the JW's and my marraige. She knew about the marraige coming to an end and was supportive, but suspected the other and dropped subtle hints that she knew what I was planning to do. I'm not sure if she would have remained JW. At least one of her sisters left "the fold" and S'kate was dating a guy from work whom she had "witnessed" to and was on the "verge" of baptism when I was there. (They were secretly dating, not officially of course.) I've tried to get in contact by other means, but her name is common, and adding to it is the fact that any search service uses electoral rolls to conduct their search - and I know here in the U.S. that would be pretty futile because JW's don't register to vote for the most part. Sooo...if anyone knows her or has ideas of how to get in touch with her - or best of all, if you are reading this S'kate - please email me! [email protected] is my preferred email addy. :)



    Say not, "I have found the truth," but rather, "I have found a truth."
    -Kahlil Gibran

  • Trase

    Well, I'm the original author of this thread, and my email address changed years ago. [email protected]

    Just happened upon this and figured I should update. Hopefully if S'kate saw this already she will check back to see if there is an update. Hope springs eternal. :)

  • konceptual99

    Trase - you (will) have a PM

  • arachnia

    I will? :) I don't see one.

  • arachnia

    Oh, and I remembered the password for my original account. I don't know where that was rattling around in my brainmeats, but it came back to me.

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