I went to church on Sunday, and the world did not come to an end.

by LisaRose 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • LisaRose

    Back story, I left the JWs 13 years ago, just walked away, moved to another state, and married a guy I had gone to high school with 28 years previously. At first I was just happy to be away from the dubs and the thought of any organized religion just made me sick, and as most of you know, the dubs do a good job of tearing down other religions, so my thinking was still influenced by the WTBTS in some areas. I considered myself agnostic for a long time.

    I occasionally visited my husband's parents church when we were visiting. My husband attended most of his life, but stopped attending due to an issue with a minister. It was strange at first, but everyone was very nice, it was a small close congregation. The music was great, really well done, the sermons were short and meaningful, I was impressed. I realized I looked forward to attending. I thought about going more, but I didn't feel I could say I believed people were going to go to hell and be tortured forever. I asked my Mother in law what the doctrine was. She said there was no doctrine about anything. Wait, what? I had a hard time getting my head around that, it's so different from the dubbies. Can you imagine an elder saying, "Oh, that's OK, you can believe whatever you want we will still love you"? The dubs will shun you if you don't believe everything some guys in Brooklyn teach, but the UCC will welcome you even if you don't believe in God. Being gay is fine too. My in laws minister is a lesbian. It's the United Church of Christ, congregational (UCC)

    I finally decided this was probably the only kind of church I could belong to. I believe in evolution, I believe in science, but I guess I still identify myself as a Christian, and I realized I missed being part of a faith based community. So this past Sunday my husband and I attended the local congregation. It was very nice. The music was also very good (four piece band, choir, hand bells) It was so different that the JW meetings, in my view that is a good thing. The only similarity is the congregations are small, and the building is not fancy. We were warmly welcomed, afterwords they had coffee and food. They are involved in the community. The week before they took peanut butter and jelly sandwitches to the local day laborers. Their motto is wherever you are from or where ever you are on your life's path, you are welcome here. I felt spiritually refreshed for the first time in years.

    I think this is something I will continue.

  • gone for good
    gone for good

    Lisa Rose-

    What a nice experience for you.

    When I was a dub I especially liked going to the weddings of our church nieghbours or relatives. I love classic architecture

    and there is NOTHING, NoTHING that compares to a real old organ. Varnished woodwork, vaulted cielings, exposed beamwork,,

    stained glass and squeaky wooden floors - bring 'em on. Some of the things I loved and missed from my Anglican roots.

    Fine people, great nieghbours and friends and never anything but gracious conduct and respect were shown.

    No wonder my Mom was offended when I took my kids to the f___n KH.

    Keep us posted on your new friends lives - GfG

  • lriddle80

    I really like the church I go to. It's a baptist church. They do believe in hell, and the trinity and all the stuff that a typical church believes in, but they don't shun you if you believe differently. They welcome discussion and that is refreshing. I love the music and the preaching is such that it motivates you to go into the world and be a light for God's kingdom. Their idea of witnessing is telling peole your testimony of what Christ has done in your life and that is a lot easier for sure then going door to door, though in this type of witnessing you pretty much have to make it happen! Also, what I like about my church is that it is huge church, so there is the district convention feel to it, but then we have small Sunday school groups and that's more of a kingdom hall feel to it. So it's the best of both! I would say just make sure that the teaching is from the bible and that they teach about Jesus because he is the only way to salvation and the most important piece of the puzzle! Good for you for moving on!

  • Satanus

    Life is a path. They sound like they can help you move down yours.


  • kurtbethel
    We were warmly welcomed, afterwords they had coffee and food. They are involved in the community. The week before they took peanut butter and jelly sandwitches to the local day laborers. Their motto is wherever you are from or where ever you are on your life's path, you are welcome here. I felt spiritually refreshed for the first time in years.

    Hmmmm, sounds suspiciously Christ like. You sure you want you get involved with something like that?

  • jhine

    Fantastic , LisaRose , you were kind to me on another thread when I had made a faux pas concerning Cedars , which really cheered me up , cus I was feeling silly . So I am really pleased that you are finding the love of Christ and fellowship that is genuine in a church (shock - horror ) . I pray that your journey will continue into spiritual fulfilment .

  • Londo111

    Even though I’ve joined the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) back in October, it was my intention to once a month visit churches of other denominations (excluding those that are fundamentalist, Catholic, Orthodox, or a cult). For the past two months, I haven't ventured to anywhere new.

    UCC was on my list...maybe when I venture out again, I will visit there next.

  • Cagefighter

    Thanks for sharing LisaRose, what is sickening is the way the JW's poision us born-ins especially against any kind of organized religion (except their own of course). They would have us believe that everyone else that goes to church is wicked for the sake of being wicked.

    I firmly believe that the church's function is simply to help us continue to grow as Christians. I think at one point and time even the JW's was able to reach a certain segment of the population that was spiritually lost and help them along their way as Satanus would put it. However, the JW's have become heavy with laws and rules like the Pharisees and now they only attract the mentally disturbed or the ignorant. I digress....

    The UCC church is a little too liberal for me and The Baptist church takes the bible a little too literally... I found myself in a good UMC (methodist) church. The focus on discipline and works has been extremely helpful. We can study and dissect the bible all day winning arguments with our friends and neighbors, but for me....I have grown by learning to act out my faith instead of banging on peoples doors and pestering them with a sales pitch.

    It's too easy to sit on the sidelines an look down your nose at everyone else. I appluad you for taking a step out of your comfort zone. Here is a great post from Lillian Daniel a UCC minister in IL about the "Spiriutal, but not religious cop out" Click Here

  • LisaRose

    GONEFORGOOD: Yes, there is something about a real church that makes you feel different. The dubs were so contemptuous about Christendom and traditional religious architecture that they went too far and made the Kingdom Halls into generic, boring buildings. While not fancy, the UCC churches have something that makes you feel it is a special place, something out of everyday life. I realized I missed that.

    IRDDL80: Yes, it is a Christian group, so Jesus is very much a part of it, also the bible, although I don't think they take everything in the bible literally, I am still new to this so I don't know.

    SATANUS: Yes, I have been on a spiritual path since I left the dubs, not really knowing where it would lead me. I am actually somewhat surprised, I thought I would never go to any church again, but this is where my heart and soul is leading me, so I will see what happens.

    KURTBETHEL: Yes, you made me laugh, it does seem Christ like, doesn't it, very suspicious.

    JHINE: I am glad my words brought you comfort, thank you for saying so.

    LONDO111: Yes, check it out, I would be interested to get the option of another ex JW. Maybe this could work for others who have left and are seeking a church experience that is not so conservative or abusive like the JWs.

    I will update this thread after I investigate more

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