How the Watchtower Corporation blind sides people to support their organization and its producing products

by Finkelstein 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Finkelstein

    One has to admire the WTS's propagating intent in getting its literature distributed and proliferated right

    from the very beginning from the men who started this religious publishing house.

    All was really needed and deemed necessary was to make the doctrines look seemingly honest and

    forthright, the rest took care of itself and people started to support the organization and buy its

    produced publications. The doctrine were, as they are still today created in supporting the

    proliferation of the organization's products. What is surprising to me at least is that people will take

    whatever the WTS. professes or proclaims and take that as honest bible interpretation with no intent

    or no connection whatsoever of devious commercialization comprised within those expressed doctrines.

    One can really see freedom of religious expression and free market capitalism working together in a state of unison with the WTS.

    It really comes down to if a person can see the abstract commercialization operating with this organization or not and if you do see it ,

    how ones personal integrity is effected in the evaluation of the organization's operating agenda.

  • Finkelstein

    The ex door to door encyclopedia salesman and lawyer knew how to do it, without any compiling restraint placed upon his endeavors.

    J Rutherford was one individual who saw and knew of the power and money established within the WTS. before he so ardently tried to take

    over the organization. Put together some human ignorance with some human emotion and its surprising what you can create or attain

    for oneself.

  • Finkelstein

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