How to Get to Heaven with the Hutterites BBC documentary

by Mickey mouse 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Did anyone else see this programme this week? The parallels with the JW mindset were striking. It's still on iplayer.

    I cried when the young photographer left. Seeing his wonder at being in the outside world was fantastic.

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    Here it is on Youtube if you can't access BBC iplayer

  • cofty

    I saw it and really enjoyed it.

    I think they thought inviting the camera in would show their community in a positive light but it really backfired on them.

    It was great that the young lad had a sister on the outside who could help him get out. He was really talented.

    Wasn't it weird how everybody had to go and see the elders for permission to go off to town to see a doctor or dentist?

    So typical the elder kept saying that anybody was free to lave any time they wanted - yeah right!

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    I saw it, ...all i could think of was the lottery of life and being born into a cult.. be it JW, Mormon, Hutterite or any of the thousands of others like them.

    The levels of control masquerading as 'tradition' among the Hutterites was appalling and the struggles of the elders to explain it as anything other than control was obvious.

    I wish governments would look closer at religious freedom laws and how many are enslaved under the guise of freedom within their own lands.

    The girl at the end (photographers sister) was awesome.

  • poppers


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