Jehovah Got What It Takes To Spawn Mind Control Cults Run By Those Who Have Narcissistic Personality Disorder

by frankiespeakin 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • frankiespeakin

    Just look at this Deity: He's All Powerful, He's Jealous, He falls into rages over trifles, He punishes other for being cruel and unloveing but he himself gets off scott free when he is unloving cruel, challenging Him is considered a sin, You cannot worship other dieties, He alway tells the truth(unchallenged), his word is alway truth(not to be challenged), obeying him leads to life disobeying him lead to death, he's blood thirsty but justified, and the list can get quite big.

    This type of Diety falls naturally in line with those who have Narcissistic Personality Disorder as the Diety has it and so he would have drawing power over those that suffer from this or those already worshipping this Deity would start to think like him as they work into their thinking his justifications thus giving themselve a green light to entrench their thinking or align their thinking to his disorder.

  • yourmomma

    good stuff. this is one of the things that when i read the OT i took a step back and thought "this is not "God" this is a character created by the person writing about him. he's way too much like a petty human being in the OT than an all powerful, knowing, loving God."

    its a classic "my god is more of a bad ass than your god" thing going on in the OT. its the first "Batman could kick Superman's ass" argument in man's history, lol

  • frankiespeakin

    Fed up,

    Just posted this on another thread but I'm putting it hear:

    This is from "SOVEREIGNTY", Insight on the Scriptures, volume 2...

    "Jehovah permitted the issue to be joined. Not, however, because he was unsure of the righteousness of his own sovereignty. He needed nothing proved to himself. It was out of love for his intelligent creatures that he allowed time for the testing out of the matter. He permitted men to undergo a test by Satan, before all the universe. And he gave his creatures the privilege of proving the Devil a liar, and of removing the slander not only from God’s name but also from their own. Satan, in his egotistic attitude, was ‘given up to a disapproved mental state.’ In his approach to Eve, he had evidently been contradictory in his own reasoning. (Ro 1:28) For he was charging God with unfair, unrighteous exercise of sovereignty and, at the same time, was evidently counting on God’s fairness: He seemed to think that God would consider Himself obliged to let him live on if he proved his charge concerning the unfaithfulness of God’s creatures."

  • frankiespeakin

    I think this make my case even though I'm just a layman:

    The Worship of Jehovah fits right in with Narcissistic Personality Disorder. You could see it in the convoluted reasoning of this quote above. Twisted reasoning for a violently just and loving tyrant reflected in the minds of his beleivers.

    Notice the psychological projections of Narcissist Personality onto his God and ascribes his own thoughts as actually Gods thoughts even going so far as to read the mind of the Devil with a a very high bais for the diety he worships, I think this is done very unconsciously by the writer whichs show that gods are primarily imaginary hooks for some of our own projections.

  • WTWizard

    Joke-hova wants to go unchallenged as that thing enslaves the whole world. That thing doesn't want you worshiping your real Savior (who is none other than Satan, who joke-hova has caused people to be afraid of). That thing doesn't want you empowering your own soul to save yourself, and will gladly interfere with you if you try. That thing also created a culture of humanoids that had as their sole mission to disrupt those minding their own business--anyone reading their LIE-ble without bias should see what joke-hova's "chosen people" did to destroy Gentile cultures throughout the "promised land". Anyone watching the news lately or who is experiencing out of control debt will know that a small "chosen people" group is indebting the whole world, with the goal of enslaving mankind. Microchips, living in tiny cages, strict limitations on travel, shortages, and grueling work until you no longer produce (and then you get slaughtered--that will be your retirement) is their goal.

    And, joke-hova doesn't want you realizing that Christi-SCAM-ity and communism have the same goal. You can look up communism online, and Christi-SCAM-ity is easy enough to see the agenda of in your own LIE-ble. Right in the LIE-ble, you get slavery, torture, and women being second-class citizens right up there along with strict regulations on sex. Private property is supposed to be distributed (the "equalizing")--communism. This is right in your own LIE-ble, and the washtowel often brought it up.

    This is ripe for cults to develop. You are not supposed to look elsewhere, lest Satan (who wants people to be free) be given that chance. This encourages leaders to interpret the LIE-ble, usually even stricter than what the LIE-ble itself orders. Regulations are made even stricter, usually alternating between multiple viewpoints, against sex and recreation. Usually, education is limited (again, they don't wish Satan to be able to extricate you from slavery). And within cults, congregations and families usually end up being even stricter and adding even more rules. Many families within the congregations are impossible to distinguish from Pharisaic Jewish families. And the witlesses do nothing to moderate it--they do nothing to make them stick with the official doctrine (which itself changes so often that people think the stricter interpretations are needed).

  • Fed-up


    thanks Frankie!

  • frankiespeakin


    I'm glad to see this gave you some moments of merriment.

  • Cold Steel
    Cold Steel

    Glad you guys got it out of your system. The reality sets in when one begins looking at the details. The myth of a jealous, bloodthirsty, heartless, merciless war god is just the bitter manifestation of atheists and others who are critical of religion. I will concede one point, however. God is not content to live and let live. We didn't come to Earth to just live day-to-day lives and then die, but, rather, to be tested and tried. The monster isn't God, but man without God. Nations that ignore God invariably end up rotting from within. And it always entails men coming out in open rebellion against God.

    Just my two cents.

  • frankiespeakin


    Thanks for the $.02.

    So you think Jehovah is justified in having people put to death over issues of jealousy(worshiping other Deities)?

  • moshe
    We didn't come to Earth to just live day-to-day lives and then die, but, rather, to be tested and tried.

    When you postulate and don't provide facts to back up your statement, it's fairly tale talk, nothing more. I sense some Mormon dogma being slipped into this conversation.- What are you doing counting LDS preaching time?- shouldn't you be busy in the LDS archives finding dead ancestors for proxy baptisms into the Mormon church , instead of hanging out here with ex-JWs?

    Where did humans come from on their trip to earth-?

    Who tests us, what is the test, who scores it?

    what happens when we don't take the test, because nobody told us about it? - How do you fail the test and what happens to the winners and losers?

    My goodness- CS, you will need an new topic to enlighten us. Some of us are getting up in years and don't have much time left to find out about this test-

    PS- in my 62 years of life, I have never had a LDS missionary ring my doorbell. I have seen them out an about on bicycles, but for some reason they never make it to my street before their 2 year mission is finished.

    (your 2cents just happens to jive with LDs theology, I'll bet)

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