The cult league table

by cedars 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • cedars

    Hi everyone

    Here is an interesting interactive web page that ranks Jehovah's Witnesses 5th in the list of "largest religious cults".

    I'm not sure I could endorse ALL of the selections. In particular, I don't believe all of Islam could be classed as a cult, given that Mohammed is no longer alive and there is a marked distinction between radical Islam and mainstream Islam. However, there are some notable cults included in the list - namely Scientology (4th), JWs (5th), Bahai (7th), the Moonies (13th) and the Mormons bringing up the rear in 15th place.

    From my recent research I would have to admit that Scientology is a far more damaging and vindictive cult than Jehovah's Witnesses, but then they are much smaller - so I'm not sure why they make it above us in a list of the "largest" cults. I think Mormons deserve a place lower down the list because their treatment of former believers is generally nowhere near as bad as the vitriol that spews forth from the pages of the Watchtower. Shunning is also more "optional" in the Mormon church than it is among JWs.

    Anyway, I hope this is of interest.


  • cobaltcupcake

    That's interesting.

    I recently reconnected with my "worldly" family and found that one of them is into Bahai. She tried gently to interest me in it. I gently told her I'd take a look at their website. Yuck!

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