JW concerns over pedohile issues

by D wiltshire 0 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire

    General : Concerned about pedophile issues
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    0 recommendations Message 1 of 11 in Discussion

    (Original Message) Sent: 03/03/2002 23:06
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    Recommend (0 recommendations so far) Message 2 of 11 in Discussion

    From: Joel Sent: 04/03/2002 04:10

    Welcome to JustJW's, I hope you'll stick around and continue to contribute to our discussions.
    As a new member, may I let you know that we do not allow links to apostate or otherwise questionable sites to be posted here.

    I appreciate that your original (deleted) post contained a serious question which is why I've 'cut & paste' it below minus the name of the website in question.

    This isn't a rebuke, just a friendly reminder.



    The other day I visited a website called "XXXXXXX". Truly disturbing. Could it be true what they say? For years we've heard reports of child rape and abuse in the Roman Catholic Church. If that wasn't disturbing enough, now we have child rapists in our own midst? This is crazy! Jah's congregations are supposed to be clean! We need to help rid these evil and vile persons from our spiritual paradise NOW! Please don't help to hide chils abusers!


    Recommend (0 recommendations so far) Message 3 of 11 in Discussion

    From: dirtclod Sent: 04/03/2002 07:13
    Hi Joel,

    Thanks for the reminder, I appreciate it. Have you read the info? What do you think? is this for real?


    Recommend (0 recommendations so far) Message 4 of 11 in Discussion

    From: Halel Sent: 04/03/2002 08:02
    Joel: Thank you for deleting that apostate information off the website. The apostates are really making an issue out of child molestation. Recently in Greensboro, North Carolina, there was a small ad in the "Help Wanted" section regarding a former Witness in California sueing the WTBTS for the same issue. There, in that area of California, a known apostate lives and could possibly be behind it. Thanks for keeping that "gangrene" off the site!

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    From: Phil Sent: 04/03/2002 08:11
    Dear Dirtclod, Firstly may I state I have not visited or am aware of the site you visited, but if I may offer a reply. We have ones who were former child abusers as we have ones who were former murderers etc etc, We do monitor these ones for the safety of our congregations and to uphold Jehovah's clean standards. If ones are found to be practices of these vile actions as with any other practicer of sin we take action.
    We live in the last days and recognise these things are a part of satans vile world, but we do protect the congregations to the best of our ability and with the help of Jehovah's heavenly organisation. Hope this helps
    Warmest Christian Love

    Recommend (0 recommendations so far) Message 6 of 11 in Discussion

    From: Henry Largo 150 Sent: 04/03/2002 13:37
    You can rest assured that the society take this issue very seriously. Hear in Britain the elders have had some very specific instruction on how to proceed in such matters. We take seriously our duty of care for the congregation. Any one on the sex offenders register will automaticly be known to the police, and if they move local police are notified, as are the elders of local congregation. Any new cases that comes up are not hidden by the elders, infact the appropiate authorties are always informed. You should not take the word of those who oppose us or who use half truths or slander, designed to damage our faith. We know Jehovah's standards and we know how the faithful slave have stood up for these standards, even in the face of persecution. Is it likely they would compromise in cases of child abuse? Hardly.


    Recommend (0 recommendations so far) Message 7 of 11 in Discussion

    From: dirtclod Sent: 04/03/2002 16:06

    Do you honestly believe that there are "FORMER" child abusers in the cong? Would you put a "FORMER" child abuser in charge of YOUR children? You need to get a clue, brother.


    Recommend (0 recommendations so far) Message 8 of 11 in Discussion

    From: dirtclod Sent: 04/03/2002 16:09

    It sounds like things are being handled well in Britain. Wish I could say the same for the U.S.


    Recommend (0 recommendations so far) Message 9 of 11 in Discussion

    From: reseacher tony Sent: 04/03/2002 17:38
    You said:

    Do you honestly believe that there are "FORMER" child abusers in the cong? Would you put a "FORMER" child abuser in charge of YOUR children?

    I have some insight in something similar to this problem...

    (1) You call on someone, he's interested.

    (2) Do you "frisk" him, do a body check before he can come in to the Hall -- NO.

    (3) Do you request a criminal back-ground check before he is permitted on the property -- No .

    (4) Do you give him them 52 or so questions, to qualify him as a visitor -- No.

    That can create problem as you can imagine. People we let in, but don't no what dirty luggage they are still carrying.

    Time will tell most, and maybe all.

    We have had two examples of homosexuals, - the problem is these young men wanted to Baby sit some children.

    I don't think any thing went wrong, Elders don't make public announcements in most cases, or not in details.

    (1) One person was half brought up in the true by his mother, Father sexually assaulted his son (I am told).

    And of course, with the wrong friends, he, at the age of 16-20, was completely corrupted.

    First he started to talk a little like a woman, and got to like pretty things, color contact lenses, color hair, little things like that. His told a big bad store that his Mother was a wicked person (the witness) so we wanted to help.

    And so we all helped, and helped, and helped some more. One brother was "milked" out of 1 year of rent.

    We get bags for food to help, then one day we, at assembly spoke to the Mother. And learned the real story.

    We tried not to treat him different, just to be wise to he. But I guess it showed on our faces. And soon he left for the world. He knew that we now knew the story. His mother latter told us that she say him in the Toronto Gay Parade flashing all his colors, and proud the show the whole world he is gay.

    (2) The other was a call, from a good looking young pioneer brother,

    So good looking, that this gay guy, was vary interested. This brother had to, of course brake off close friendship, because this person had other things in mind, He too wanted to baby sit some children. I think the elders are getting more information on this problem, and are getting real life experience at preventing this problem.

    We Now, have higher security at our triple Kingdom Hall. Anyone comes in to the hall we do not know, we keep an eye on. Like the bathrooms, lobby.

    A Pedophile could just walk in and take a kid and throw him in a Van and drive away. In plazas, it happens, really.

    In the NEWS those Pedophiles brake in to your house, steal the kid, and in the morning police find the body.

    May Jehovah not be long, we need his intervention yesterday.....

    Recommend (0 recommendations so far) Message 10 of 11 in Discussion

    From: dirtclod Sent: 04/03/2002 18:18
    Hi Tony,

    I appreciate your comments. But I'm telling you bros, that if it were up to me, no known pedophiles would be in the Hall or going door to door. It's just too risky. I'm not willing to take the chance. If there was a child molester in my Hall, I'd move. Far away. They have a sickness that's demonstrated to be incurable in most cases. It's sad, but kid's safety is just too important.


    Recommend (0 recommendations so far) Message 11 of 11 in Discussion

    From: Phil Sent: 06/03/2002 14:30
    Sorry about the delay in replying but other matters were pressing. I did not want to worry you Dirtclod and I have experiance of some of these cases. No safeguard is 100% but I wish to assure you we love our children and in no way want to put them in danger. I share you feelings about this terrible subject. But we cannot read these ones hearts and must call upon Jehovah to assist us in all our efforts to keep clean and SAFE HIS congregations.
    I assure you of my warm love to you and your family
    Warmest Christian Love

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