What if you say you don't believe or trust in God anymore?

by Rattigan350 8 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Rattigan350

    People here have commented how in judicial meetings, they are asked if they believe that the GB or WTS is God's representative or the FDS is used by God.

    What if you say you don't believe in God anymore because of all of the bad things happening around the world and God does nothing.

    Representatives of a God that does nothing, would also do nothing so how could one believe in them?

  • Witness My Fury
    Witness My Fury

    You will be disfellowshipped if you state that you dont believe in God and then stick to it (i.e dont recant).

  • jgnat

    It would be a short judicial meeting?

  • Phizzy

    I wonder about using that as the very first point , and only point, made to the Elder/s who question you about your "problems".

    Leaving matters until a JC is convened is way too late, at that point the Elders have to get some resolution.

    But if you wish to not be forcibly DA'd or DF'd, why not try that ? Like this ?:

    "Oh thank you for your loving concern Brother, you see, I know it sounds silly, but I have been thinking so much lately that there is no real proof that there is a God, this has been really depressing me, but could you point me to some real, testable proof for the existence of god ? the kind of proof that would satisfy an impartial Court of Law for instance ? surely that should not be too difficult ? perhaps you would get back to me on that ?".

    You may well hear nothing more, they certainly cannot ask you to express your loyalty to an organization representing a Being you do not believe exists.

    If they do, you just return to your question , " if god exists I will examine who could be His organization, but I have to be sure He exists first".

    I have it in the back of my mind that the old Elders book said they could not DF simply because you had lost belief in God, I do not know if the new one touches on it at all ???

  • LostGeneration

    I wouldn't mess with saying God, but how about the bible itself?

    Pull out 10 of the worst stories and simply say you can't get how a just and loving God would permit such things.

    I have a feeling it would go better for a person who questions this than the one who questions the b0rg


    "What if you say you don't believe in God anymore because of all of the bad things happening around the world and God does nothing."

    I often say that and it closes most threads!

  • Finkelstein

    What would really make them squirm, is telling them that since you come to realize that the WTS. is really a corrupt

    deviously false commercialized prophet/profit and because of that you no longer believe what this organization says it is

    and that this organization must be inspired by Satan's endeavorers directly against god.

    And tell them since this is the Truth that they are accordingly asked to leave your presence.

    Lies that were sold as truths can only come from Satan and his wicked evil forces.

  • wannabefree

    I think the problem is being absolute with a judicial committee ... if you are having doubts about God's existence, that would probably pass ... I seem to remember reading an account of a person who had such a conversation and he wasn't disfellowshipped for that ... if you are certain he doesn't exist, then you are certain Watch Tower doesn't have God as it's backer, disfellowship

  • Finkelstein

    They may or may not Df a baptized JWs when they state they have doubts of god's existence but if you pose any

    doubts directly against the organization and any of its doctrines, you will most likely get DF.

    And elders during JC are known to lure people by questioning to see if you are objectionable to the organization.

    In just about every JC they will ask this question, because its on their instructions to do so by the Borg.

    This is their catch where they can Df or proceed with other means of punishment.

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