Ladies, do we have world-picture for you! ##

by prologos 1 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • prologos

    ## Genesis 1: 27 : -- in God's image he created --- male and FEMALE he created THEM. (---* context removed only for clarity)

    ## Genesis 5: 1,2 :---------- in the likeness of God. Male and FEMALE he created them.

    Is there a model of the PHYSICAL universe, it's beginning/creation that bears out the idea of the desirable Female Qualties of a creator?-- YES-- there is,-- and here is a description:

    The expansion of the cosmos from the point-source of the Big Bang can be illustrated as the inflating of the membrane of a balloon, like

    a spherical skin with only two dimensions moving outward through the all-pervasive medium of time that has always existed in the eternal nothingness. (there always was nothing before there was something) "always" is an expression of time.

    The eternal creator (or his/her "first cause" natural atheist counterpart) existed in that all prevalent time.

    ## At the moment of Creation or Big Bang event, time and the creator must have completely surrounded the point-like singularity, the cosmic egg.

    ## The new universe must therefore have been INSIDE the creator or better creatrice. (for better words.) A cosy place to be.

    ## No matter how long the universe expands into time, The creator always will be outside that expanding sphere universe (as well as inside). ( therefore, the enclosing, female aspect will always be in control)

    There is nothing inside the pictured expanding bubble, only past time, nothing outside the membrane, only future time.

    Looking or moving in any direction inside the membrane (all the space and matter there is) means going in A GREAT CIRCLE, looking back toward the small egg size beginning, but moving into the future.

    ## If there is a creator/ creatrice, he she is older than the universe, surroundes the universe since it's inception (conception).

    ## If we create God in our personal image (and not the other way around), it is comforting to see that the universe as we see it's reality, resembles new life developing, growing inside the mother.

    for what its worth, prologos (c)

  • prologos

    can somebody with keys change or add to the title:


    thank you.

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