Jws and psychotropics vs. Jws and psychology as a science

by cptkirk 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • cptkirk

    need to sleep, have finals to take this week, but i wanted to start this thread after i was writing a response to a different thread, this total contradiction dawned on me. the jws sanction the members to take various prescription drugs for mental disorders small and large, but yet they deny the science of psychology, the same people who are giving them the drugs? is that a total contradiction or what? i don't know that they come outright and say we are opposed to psychology as a science, but i do know that if you start talking about "borderline personality" or anything along those lines, you are going to get some nasty looks. and also, in my experience if you just ask them outright, they will just say psychology is(too tired to think of the word) not gobbledgook, what is that word? damnit, but they basically say it's a bunch of bullshit in polite terms. that seems to be the consensus but i don't know that it is written down anywhere. so its a bunch of bullshit, but feel free to take their drugs that they give you.

  • Pickler

    Psychology offends the very heart of the WTBTS by offering solutions which have nothing to do with the WTBTS.

    For this reason they would rather have everyone on meds & binge drinking, whilst still attending meetings, or just keeping quiet!

  • designs

    If you work with a therapist you have to spill the beans about JW/Wt. life, that makes the Leadership nervous.

  • cptkirk

    Going to answer my own thread. i think that they do not acknowledge good science for the same reason that they must tell people that their elders are appointed directly by god. the same reason that they hold this mindset that everyone in the cong is squeeky clean because if they weren't they would be DF'ed. and what is that reason? that reason is haughty pride and egomania.

    they do not want to admit that their people are suffering from the same afflictions as everyone else. they want to go into that kh and lie to themselves telling themselves that this might be jose that works at pizza hut, but really he is this wonderful spiritual being walking in direct step with god. if they had to really look at the science and say so and so is a borderline personality, or so and so has major denial issues, or this or that......they couldn't do it, why? because the one trait that is supposed to define them, doesn't even exist, which is love. because love doesn't care if you have xyz, love doesn't need to see you as some sort of epic spiritual person so that they can speak respectfully to you and talk to you like a friend. love doesn't care if you have xyz diagnosis, because love is going to ignore that and focus on what is good about you. but they can't , they need to tell themselves things that aren't true to compensate for the fact that they are bereft of their supposed true identifying mark.

    there are a thousand places that i could have gone to play the status game, i went to the jws because i thought that was a sanctuary from this, and it turns out to be no different. status leads to war, if we all want to kill each other then lets do it, but let's understand why we are doing it before we do it.

    edit: status inherently does not lead to war, but status as a prime mover does.

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