The JW Memorial/ Mass, celebrating the Death of Christ is it all scriptural?

by prologos 2 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • prologos

    Can you identify where the anual Nisan 14 celebration violates scriptural precedent? what I found in my reading:

    1) If it was meant to be a mass* event, why did Jesus not invite the 500 brothers ( that he appeared to ofter the resurrection) + unnumbered and valued SISTERS to the Passover occasion?. (After all, he fed thousands before, with bread and fishes, why not lamb?) -- Why would we do so today, inviting all residents?

    2) Beautiful as the full moon in the spring time is, why is the Communion occasion unique and limited to Passover time when the early INSPIRED Christians had no such custom? Acts 12:1-12. In the NT, written decades after the fact, Christians still called the day 'Passover";--- no Memorial celebration mentioned, just as no birthday celebration either.

    3) After inviting sundry and all, why do we spend the evening explaining that they should NOT EXERCISE their faith and drink and eat, when Jesus, the only anointed present in 33 CE said "--Eat-- Drink--ALL of You", adressing his disciples who had a clearly defined EARTHLY hope?

    4) Why is the DIFFERENCE between the the cup of the NEW Covenant = forgiveness of sins, that is part of the Lords Evening Meal ceremony and the LATER

    proposed KINGDOM COVENANT** not distinguished and clearly explained? because as relevant,

    The New Covenant qualifies you for everlasting life on earth (re-enter into paradise that was lost)

    The Kingdom covenant allows you to sacrifice that earthly right,-- in order to gain immortality in spirit, ---IF you are sealed and martyred.

    5) why are the prospective partakers not sequestered as was the case in 33 CE and is practised now at modern day baptism preparations?

    What is your view as to how a knowledgable believer should act, guided by an educated conscience?

    * in all senses of the word

    ** inaugurated at Pentecost 33CE by annointing with Holy Spirit. ( only 10% of believers present)


  • designs

    As one learned Rabbi said on observing Christianity- 'who can know what someone meant twothousand years ago'.

  • WTWizard

    This predated Christi-SCAM-ity. Once upon a time, there was a rite of fertility. Eggs, rabbits, flowers, and lambs were honored. People honored the sights and sounds of spring, and worshiped the Fertility Goddess Astaroth. This was all done in Her Honor, and people had a good time doing it.

    Then Christi-SCAM-ity came along. All of a sudden, you get a 40 day period of penance preceding Easter. You get people giving up something they like for 40 days prior to Easter, and not something that is ruining their health either (such as smoking). This does not honor Astaroth or any of the ancient Gods and Goddesses. You take a joyous occasion and make it somber.

    In addition, you get this scam where people are supposed to attend Mass. You get the partaking of bread (actually crackers made out of a paste of wheat flour and baked) and wine, representing the body and blood of Jesus. This represents human sacrifice, something Astaroth didn't approve of. This is also based loosely on the Jewish holiday, something that leads me to wonder if the whole thing is truly appropriate. One thing I know is that this REJECT Astaroth Party felt like the most Jewish of all the boasting sessions throughout the year, odd since it's supposed to be the most important one and the religion is supposed to be all Christian.

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