Where is this LOVE that is being "preached about"??

by lostinnj83 9 Replies latest jw experiences

  • lostinnj83

    The ONLY display of love that I have experienced is from non-JW's!!!!! The people we have been warned so much to stay away from them are the ONLY ones that have been supportive and LOVING towards me in my darkest moments.

    What really gets me is how they can bring themselves to show "love" to someone who has committed heinous crimes like molesting children but will be downright HATEFUL to people who have become BETTER and happier people since they have left the organization!!!

    It's really getting very hard for me to continue to "fake it". I really don't know much longer I can continue to associate myself with this HATEFUL group!

  • wasblind

    What really gets me is how they can bring themselves to show "love" to someone who has committed heinous crimes like molesting children but will be downright HATEFUL to people who have become BETTER and happier people since they have left the organization!!!_____Lostinnj83

    Satan always show love to his own kind ( The child molesters, and abusers )


  • Suraj Khan
    Suraj Khan

    I know exactly what you mean. Seeming expressions of caring or love by brothers and sisters in my congregation as I was growing up was really admonishment in disguise: "We miss your contributions at meetings." I used to think they actually missed me: it gradually dawned on me that the real message was "You're slacking in your service, pick it up or else." There was no love in those comments, no effort to know me as a person, no effort to relate to the severe physical, emotional and financial hardship my family and I were experiencing at the time.

    Having a family has brought this in even sharper focus for me. If a truck was barreling down on my six-year-old daughter and I could save her by pushing her out of the way and taking the fatal blow, I'd do it without even thinking. That is love. Now if I were still 'in the truth', and a doctor told me that the same daughter was in need of a blood transfusion in order to live...is this not the same choice? I realized when I was young that I would let my daughter live and accept the sole responsibility before Jehovah later. If that means no resurrection for me, fine. Cast me into Gehenna? Let me get my marshmallows and s'mores. Just let my daughter live.

    This point alone is what drove me out of the Kingdom Hall as a teenager. The celebration of parents sacrificing their children to the blood doctrine in the Watchtower sickened me. These parents may as well be laying their children down on the altar of Moloch or Ba'al.

    You will never be free or whole until you cast these people aside. You can never fully love until you piece yourself back together after the damage these people cause to your mind and heart.

    I wish you steady strength and purpose. And, yes, love.

  • clarity


    Many exjw's comment on this disappointing lack of real love.

    And rightly so. They preach it constantly. They have bragged

    that their love is a sign of them being the only true religion!


    The pathetic sermon that goes along with this, is that "you are

    a good for nothing slave", "don't think much of yourself",


    Then there are the put downs that are designed to make the

    followers humble, compliant, deserving of nothing ..............


    So then ........ do we wonder why we struggle with this LOVE thing,

    as we drag our sorry a$$es around for years ..... not feeling the

    love and thinking we kinda don't deserve love anyway ....


    Crazy making ............ as all of their made-up stuff is!


    Suraj Khan.... see you are quite new, welcome



  • BluesBrother

    Oh yes......there are of course some decent generous people among their ranks but they are operating within a system that breeds "group love" for its own and distrust of outsiders : notwithstanding antipathy towards those who have left their ranks.

    I believe that it was Voltaire who said that "Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities".

    They do believe in absurdities, that is clear to us for whom the penny has dropped and we see it with a clear mind, so their leaders are enabled to get them to commit atrocities e.g. the shunning of otherwise beloved family members. This can hurt them as well but they do it because they have handed their thinking ability over to the WTS , they buy the line that it is "loyalty to Jehovah God" - they are victims.

    They mortgaged their soul for the promise of an eternal life on earth in material luxury and it has not come . Without the courage to break free they just carry on and on and on .........

    PS... Then there are the ones (as in any organization) who are just downright mean ! and they cannot see it, thinking that they are Christian .

  • Mum

    As a teenage JW, I actually believed in that "love." That "love" was very conditional, however. At some point, I realized that I was not a better person after becoming a JW, but that I had been a better person before I became a JW. I had been a person who cared about others without all of the judgmental criteria laid on by the borg.



  • WTWizard

    And that "agape" is the biggest scam regarding "love" I have seen. It simply means that you have unconditional love toward your enemies, including allowing them to enslave you. The biggest display of agape is supposed to be to go out in field circus, often at great personal hardship, so that worldly people can be "saved(??)".

    What they really want is compliance. The fake love (which is about as valuable as your dollars will be after everyone loses all faith in the dollar) is a scam designed to put your defenses down. At which point, they make you throw things away that are perfectly fine "for your benefit". These things could be something like an amulet (including the Eye of Horus) that do nothing harmful to people unless they try to support mass human enslavement. They could include fine music. They might include those LED light bulbs and Fenix LD22 and TK45 flashlights and HP20 headlamps that, while they serve extremely fine in emergencies, might stumble someone for "materialism". Yet, you comply and get rid of your fine headlamp because this idiot supposedly has your best interests at heart, only to get in trouble next blackout.

    They also insist on pious-sneering. Somewhere down the road, they add rules. You get one idiot that insists on doing away with the ability to get ahead on your time, instead needing 70 (or even 90) hours each and every month. Agape is the stated reason. Or, they might make things you could get away with into bans--carry your Fenix LD22 flashlight, you are in trouble even though someone just had a nasty fall down stairs last month when the lights went out or the single compact fluorescent light suddenly blew out while they were on the stairs. Others have rules regarding music you can listen to. And so on.

    One family I went to the Kingdumb Hell with had everything by regulation. It was so bad that the kids would have specific numbers of times they could ask for things. They even stated that their kids are allowed to ask for things like Tic Tacs twice during a boasting session. To me, this type of regulation is not acceptable. Running everything by regulation is not the answer. And neither is expecting your children to waste 70 hours a month in field circus--or dragging them out every day during their week off from school. Love?

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    I know what you mean. 11 yrs ago, I was chemically poisoned while working in a dry-cleaners and it burned the lining of my lungs. So now, I have chemical sensitivities so bad that I cannot go into a KH or convention because of the overwhelming dry cleaned clothes and perfumes.

    I'm not trying to get sympathy or make it sound like I'm sicker than anyone, but just to make the point that after that, I was told by even my OWN family members that it didn't matter how bad of an asthma attack I got at the meetings, that if I didn't go I would die at armegeddon. Even if I DIED while having an attack at the KH, then Jehovah would ressurect [I know I slaughtered the spelling] me into the new system because I died following HIS rules. But since I chose to wimp out and stay away, they considered me inactive, rebellous, you name it. But even before I got sick we did not see the LOVE.

    Sorry, self preservation is pretty strong and I have a family to take care of.

    In 2000, we decided to move out of the congregation we had been in for 23 yrs to another state. The last Saturday before we were leaving. After our BSO conducted the field service meeting and was asking about plans, my husband raised his hand and said that this was going to be our last day for service in that congregation and we would love to work with anyone for the last time. Everyone just sat there looking around. We were told we would have to work by ourselves because everyone else said they had plans. Driving out the KH parking lot, my husband says "Aw screw it, lets go home and pack!"

    Yeah, I feel the love for the past 49 yrs!!!!

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    I forgot to add, that I too have found the people on here to be more friendly, more loving, more studious and research more than any JW. And they actually think on here, not just sit there bobbing their heads at the KH in agreement no matter how stupid it sounds. I have found it to be nothing like I was WARNED about.

  • Satanus

    'God is love' is a huge scam, too. Supposedly all love, all those little flames in the hearts of loving humans have their sources in the god of love. Bs. Bs. Bs.


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