YEARBOOK 2013 :New Video :Dedicated to Pterist & Irondork

by raymond frantz 4 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz

    What the letter really means

    The letter addressed to all JWs in the New Yearbook 2013 would make George Orwell proud .Their closing words " We love you very much" shows with what psycopaths we have to deal with .Especially dedicated to Pterist and irondork that guided me to the right direction .Please like and subscribe ,the more you do the more likely the video to go higher on YOUTUBE'Slist .My last video reached 33 countries

  • irondork

    That about sums it up!

  • Muddy Waters
    Muddy Waters

    You know what I now find especially creepy about the GB's letter to the 2013 YB -- they end it with: "your brothers, the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses."

    Well, that closing "your brothers, the GB..." isn't even PERSONAL. This letter of "love" and "encouragement" is signed by a COMMITTEE. A freakin' committee!! And this committe, this GOVERNING BODY, **LOVES** us very much.

    They can't even sign their names. Because then, you know, we might start thinking that mere men are leading us.... (well, not us as in leading us anymore!)

  • Mum

    I read 1984 in the 1960's. In the 1980's, my then husband found a book at the library entitled The Orwellian World of Jehovah's Witnesses by Gary Botting. If you have not read it, I recommend that you do.

    What I get from that letter is that the GB is feeling like the rug is being pulled out from under them because of the mass exit of the good JW's. Their technique is called front loading, i.e., telling the other(s) that they do things for a certain reason, hoping that the other party or parties will do it and believe they are doing it for the stated "reason."

    I remember a part in the book about the price of sugar going up, and the next week the telescreen praises Big Brother because the price of sugar went down the previous week. This reminds me of the 1975 craziness. My niece, also an ex-dub, told me that the 1975 business was contrived by individual witnesses and was not published. She was born in 1975 and had no memory of the publications and the anticipation they generated.

    Living in a democracy is great. Why did I ever choose to live under a totalitarian regime when I had free will?



  • maccauk11

    check out my youtube channel. It debunks all the churches and denominations today as all things have been fulfilled in the 1st century. Even the latset Watchtower that is avaialb eon their site admits the fullfillment of prohecyin the 1st century

    mychannel; seekchristonly

    peace and love

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