Will the ex Pope be extradited to answer pedophile claims come Mar 13 ?

by mP 3 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • mP

    Given he previously refused to attend court in America & Canada given his immunity as a national leader,what happens come 1 March 2013 when he looses this protection ? This is a disaster for the church, because some country will eventually call him and he will have to answer some hard quesetions give his leadership in the pedphile coverup policies of the church.

  • designs

    The Convent has been carefully selected and deals will or have been cut to protect this soon to be x-Pope from prosecution.

  • fulltimestudent

    You've got to be kidding .. if it was not such a serious matter, I'd laugh out loud.

    It's quite clear that justice has been perverted in many countries (including the English speaking ones) with the connivance of 'believing Christians' in law enforcement and government.

  • LV101

    Never gonna happen --- unfortunately.

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