I placed my first set of magazines here

by irondork 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • irondork

    Sanger, California, USA

    During the summer of 1972. I was five years old. I actually remember the neighborhood, the lady at the door - the entire historic event with reasonable clarity. I was with mom at the door, my brother was with dad working the other side of the block. Turns out big brother made his magazine placement debut the same morning.

    Oh, we had such potential. Such a spiritually strong family. Fitly united in the same mind and in the same line of thought.

  • hoser

    if you are from sanger,CA you have a pm

    iv'e been looking for someone to talk to from that area


  • kurtbethel

    Wow, so you got to experience all the 1975 excitement. That must have been a really wonderful time to be involved in the ministry.

  • Sulla

    Ah, but do your remember your first talk on the Minsitry School? Reading from Job 14: "Man, born of woman, is short-lived and full of trouble," or something -- I don't recall the NWT reading. Of course, I killed it.

    Actually, the #2 talk process was reasonably good as an exercise for kids: public reading helps with both reading and public speaking, so that's good. Add on a little introduction and conclusion, maybe an mid-reading comment if you are playing above the rim, and boom!

  • irondork

    Sulla: Ah, but do your remember your first talk on the Minsitry School?

    Sho nuff!

    Idaho Falls, Idaho, USA

    Had to be sometime in 1974. I can still quote portions of that bible reading to this day.

    "After these things King A·has·u·e′rus magnified Ha′man the son of Ham·me·da′tha the Ag′ag·ite and proceeded to exalt him and to put his throne above all the other princes that were with him..." - Esther 3:1-13

    I was so nervous I was shaking. By the time I finished I had tears running down my face and a lump in my throat so big I could hardly breathe.

    I agree. I thought that school for kids - for anyone - was helpful.
  • irondork

    @ kurtbethel: I was oblivious to the 1975 fiasco. Too young. The first thing I remember hearing about that mess was in the early 80's when I got baptized. And then it was how a lot of the brothers read too much into what was being said and decided to leave the organization because they racked up their credit cards and bought big houses and boats with the hope of never having to pay them off and blamed it on our loving governing body.

    Perhaps you've heard the story. ;)

  • joyfulfader

    i dont remember my first talk. i was 4. i think it was out of the pink great teacher book. thats what my mom told me. and could not tell you when i place my first magazines. my best friend and i were going to the doors by ourselves at 7...sooo...not much recollection.

    i do think that all of those talks and presentations did me a world of good in a practical sense. i can speak coherently to virtually anyone in english and spanish. no fear of public speaking.

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