Marking talk ,inappropriate touching and Lies

by dazed but not confused 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    I heard one "marking" talk about 5 years ago. I had never heard of this before. And I didn't know who it was about. They mention specific details but not a person. So I asked my close friend, "What was that all about?" He said, "You really don't know? It was about my dad." Apparently his dad heard that a sister may have been sexually assaulted by 2 elders during a Sheparding call. Well, his dad got involved in protecting her. He told other that this had happened and that the elders were hiding it. The elders told him to drop it and nothing happened. His dad wouldn’t drop it so they had the making talk. To this day I’m sure this crazy bitch made up the whole story and here’s why:

    This same sister, who was in another hall, said that an elder from my hall touched my wife inappropriately and my wife told this sister about the matter. This sister said my wife was too scared to tell any other elder about it. The elders asked one day after the meeting if they could talk to my wife in the back. They asked me if it was ok for them to talk to her in private. I said why? They said it was a private matter but they understood if I wanted to be back there but would prefer I wasn’t. I said ok. I knew I would hear what it was about as soon as she came out.

    So in the back room there were 3 elders. They said “sister so and so said Elder A touched you inappropriately and you told her this in confidence”. My wife was so shocked and said “What? Who said this?” They said “sister so and so”. She still had no idea who it was. They said “The fat one that hangs out with… Are you friends with her?” She said “No. I think I only said Hi to her one time a year ago.” They said “So Elder A never touched you in an inappropriate way?” She laughed and said “No!”

    The whole time this elder who was accused of this was in the room across from my wife. She said he was so uncomfortable. I actually felt bad for this elder because he was the most humble elder in the hall and so nice. He had to write the WTBTS and inform them of the situation before and after this meeting with my wife. I felt bad for him and his wife for this embarrassment they had to go through.

    Luckily for this bitch sister I never saw her again. I told my wife if I saw her I would flip out at her. I found out later that she may be bipolar. Yeah no shit.

    Why on earth would someone make up a story so bizarre and hurtful? Have any of you had someone make up crazy stories about you? Or did you ever make up stories about others? If so…Why?

  • jgnat

    Those with bipolar disorder can be delusional if off their meds. This means the woman might have genuinely thought it happened, but it didn't.

    In my church the pastor kept the door propped open when I came in for counsel. There was no opportunity for there to be a misunderstanding. This is protection as much for the pastor as for visitors.

  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    I only heard that in passing. I don't know if it was true. Her being Bipolar.

  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    No harm, no foul I guess. If it was because she was off her meds or should have been on meds, I sure do feel bad for her husband.

  • Cagefighter

    Sounds like Bipolar. Lot's of it at KH and most of it unmedicated and even worse out of therapy.

  • prologos

    my question is, should people with recognized conditions like that be allowed to teach in the congregation, take the bread and wine?

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