how do you know what love is?

by mbst 8 Replies latest social relationships

  • mbst

    this is love for me, what is love for you?

    Someone who'd do anything for me
    who can make me cry or laugh at the drop of a pen
    someone beautiful on the inside and gorgeous on the outside
    someone whos stubborn, and intense in her actions, a bit wild and unconformed
    someone who gets my heart beeating by just walking in a room
    where her voice sends shivers down my spine
    And her scent is music to my senses
    someone who I can talk to, who broke thru my shell, and sees me for what I really am and understands my reasoning
    someone who won't give on me, even if I give up on myself
    Who makes me smile, when I am down
    makes me laugh, when I take life so serious

  • Imbue

    If you have to ask then your not in love. You just know it

    Crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

  • larc

    This seems to describe the initial stage of love. Love over the long haul in a marriage has some different characteristics.

  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs

    Love is the opposite of hate.

  • Introspection

    I think Haddaway had something to say about this..

  • MrMoe

    I had posted this poem before, but I will share it again:

    I was sitting on the couch listening to Moby (the CD Songs) crying my eyes out. I was having a very lonely yet very beautiful soulful moment. My Emmie walked into the room. We had a heart-to-heart, and this is what we said, almost word for word:

    (My little girl said to me)
    Mommy, why are you crying?
    I said --
    Because I love somebody
    We just haven’t found each other yet.
    Or maybe we never will.

    Then she said
    Yes, but mommy, why are you crying?
    I said --
    My soul is not complete, my dear
    And I think I will die alone.

    Yes, but Mommy, WHY are you crying?
    Because I thought I found the One
    But I was so very wrong
    The One would be more beautiful than any other
    And the One would never cause me pain
    I would have no fear
    They would be my light
    They would be my shelter
    And they would make my cold heart blaze with the warmth of 10 Suns.

    YES, but Mommy WHY are you CRYING?
    Because my dear...
    I took a long pause and then I said --
    Emmie, I love you
    More than any other
    You have been there for me
    When nobody else even cared
    Your little heart touched mine

    And when one day
    I close my eyes
    And I do not wake
    Please remember, my little precious one
    I am with you always
    And nothing
    Can break your mother’s love.

    Then she looked at me and smiled
    With a sparkle in her eye
    And said the sweetest thing my ears could ever hear
    I love you too, Mommy

    Kisses and Hugs,

  • 2SYN

    MrMoe: Thx for that, it was quite touching.

    A female friend of mine once asked me if I'd ever been in love, and when I said no, she said that somebody would soon change my mind.

    Immediately after that she started kissing her girlfriend in a rather passionate fashion right in front of me. (Good God, Hubba Hubba!)

    I was in lust with her after that

    [SYN], UADA - Unseen Apostate Directorate of Africa - For Great Justice!

  • MrMoe

    Syn -- lol

    Ok, a side note - You see, love takes many shapes and forms. The truest form of love is unconditional love. I love everyone, I have no room for hate. I have loved and still do love many people. But, there is a difference between relationship love and relationship sex. True love between a man and woman is something higher - spiritual. The following song describes it all for me:

    In Your Eyes - Peter Gabriel (edited to be relevant)

    Love, I get so lost sometimes
    Days pass and this emptiness fills my heart
    When I want to run away
    I drive off in my car
    But whichever way I go
    I come back to the place you are

    All my instincts, they return
    The grand facade so soon will burn
    Without a noise
    Without my pride
    I reach out from the inside

    In your eyes, the light, the heat
    In your eyes, I am complete
    In your eyes, I see the doorway to a thousand churches
    In your eyes, The resolution of all the fruitless searches
    In your eyes, oh, I see the light and the heat
    In your eyes, oh, I want to be that complete
    I want to touch the light, the heat I see in your eyes


  • SYN

    MrMoe, I think you're probably my ideal woman..., sigh, *LICK*

    [SYN], UADA - Unseen Apostate Directorate of Africa - For Great Justice!

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