Talking Cults--JWs--on Talk Radio

by ClubSandwich 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • ClubSandwich

    I have been doing radio-talk shows for the last three months. Here is the pitch my promotion agency used for my January talk shows. My interview with Barry Morgan, CJAD-AM 800, Montreal,Quebec, CANADA was taped an hour ago for his program that will be aired later today. Would love to hear your comments on the key talking points noted below:

    Is Someone You Know in a Cult? Survivor Shares 5 Warning Signs

    The difference between “religion” and “cult” can often seem slight.

    These days, many are apt to describe believers as one big community of faith, but the fact remains that there are very important differences among various belief systems, says Richard E. Kelly, a self-described “survivor” of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

    “On the spectrum of faiths, I put the Watchtower Society – Jehovah’s Witnesses – closer to the (Charles) Manson Family cult than I do, say, the Lutheran Church,” says Kelly, , author of “Growing Up in Mama’s Club – A Childhood Perspective of Jehovah’s Witnesses” and “The Ghosts from Mama’s Club.” The books detail his experiences growing up in a Jehovah’s Witnesses household, the ensuing family disharmony and how the cultish legacy contributed to his sister’s murder.

    The following beliefs should be considered cult constructs, he says.

    · Certainty that the world will end in one’s lifetime: This is a crucial pill to swallow for a subsequent list of cult beliefs, which keep followers in a perpetual state of fear. If only one holds true enough to a strict set of rules – like avoiding pledges of allegiance at school, for example – then they may be spared at Armageddon.

    · Social manipulation: For Jehovah’s Witnesses who are not observant of all rules, ostracism and shunning is used. How to handle someone who questions policy? Make sure their family ignores them!

    · Cripple half of the members (women): For Jehovah’s Witnesses, women are seen as creatures trapped somewhere between men and animals in God’s hierarchy. No woman can have a position of authority, which means its men only for preaching, teaching and praying. If there’s an official meeting and a woman prays she must cover her head out of respect for the angels who might be there.

    · Scorning education: Who needs advanced learning when the world is sure to end in a few short years? Kelly’s sister, Marilyn, had very little education, so when she was finally able to leave home, she had few coping skills. She ultimately met an abusive third husband, who later murdered her.

    · Sexually repressive: Jehovah’s Witnesses are thoroughly indoctrinated in how to harness the power of the sex drive to please God. It’s obsessive compulsive when it comes to creating rules about sexual dos and don’ts, from masturbation to the role of women; from conception to sexual pleasure. Sex before marriage is an onerous crime, punishable by shunning and death at Armageddon.

  • Juan Viejo2
    Juan Viejo2

    I'm hoping that Dick Kelly is able to get recordings or links to recordings for some of these radio shows he's been on recently. If so I will gladly see that they are available online on my sites and his.

    While most of us have been focusing on the child abuse issue thanks to the Candace Conti court case, Dick has made the treatment of women within the organization his focus point.

    I think we often forget about the sisters in the organization. If they grew up in the religion, as Dick and his sister did, young women are often at the mercy of their parents and/or husband because most only have a basic high school education (or less, as is often the case) to work with. Because the Watchtower constantly pushes their doctrine that women should be submissive to their husbands in all things (hubby speaks for Jehovah in the household), any show of independence on their part will often lead young women to very unpleasant choices. I think we all know what those are.

    Do they stay with an abusive husband? Or do they take their case to the elders for help and face possible reproof themselves? If their husband either denies them their marital due (or worse, is into rough and violent sex), the answer they'll often get is that they "should try harder to please their husband."

    Here is a recent quote from an email I got that was sent in response to the article on this link :

    "I read the article by the young woman who suffered abuse by her own father. I could relate to her experience. My father was abusive to me as well. I complained to my mama and all she would tell me was 'you should be thankful that your daddy doesn't do to you what he does to me.' I asked her if I should go to our congregations servant (this was in the early 70s) and she told me that I would best be quiet about it all and not make trouble. She told me that if I made trouble daddy would take it out on her and demand that she keep me in control.

    "I guess I don't have to tell you that I got out of that house as soon as I could and married a nice witness boy named Carl. Before we got married I told Carl what my daddy was doing to me. He told me that he would be a good and loving Jehovah's Witness husband and love me and protect me forever even into the new world. We got married in the KH and everybody thought we were going to be so happy. We were I guess for about two months and then ever thing changed.

    "It didn't take Carl long to become just like my daddy. He'd ignore me for weeks at a time telling me that he didn't want to get a baby before Armageddon came in 1975. He was too tired working and going out in service. When I complained that we had no money because we were both working parttime jobs, he slapped me over and over again and told me to shut my mouth. He had bruised me all over my face and had to put on a lot of makeup before going to the KH. I know every body noticed that my face was puffy and bruised and I lied and told them that I just had a bad cold and my face always got puffy when I had a cold.

    "I have to say that was the best part. When Carl would want to have sex he would try to do to me what my daddy did to my mama. I won't describe what he would do, but you can guess. I hated sex and soon didn't want him to touch me. You know what he did! He complained to the elders that I was denying him sex and he wanted them to talk to me. I thought good this is my chance to tell my story. But no they didn't listen to me. They said this is not about Carl this is about you. He is your husband and he has his rights over you.

    "I couldn't take it very long after that and you can guess what happened to me. I got disfellowshipped even though I knew that Carl was doing it with another sister but she denied it the lying bitch. I had no other choice so I divorced Carl and then tried to move back with my mama and daddy. They told me I could not come home because I was df. They did not want to bring Jehovah down on their house. I know that mama did not agree but what else could she do. I finally got a little job and rented a room from an old lady who needed some help around.

    "A few years later a JW came to my door and witnessed to me. When I told him that I used to be a JW and had to leave he said tell me your story. I did. I told him everything. He soon got up and said he had to leave because I was obviously still a wicked person for lying about what happened to me. He told me to my face I know that no elders would ever do that and disfellowship you for that so you are lying. You need to come to the KH and ask for forgiveness and tell the truth and maybe they will let you back in. You have no other choice or else you will face destruction at Arm."

    As you can see, this poor woman's story covers all five of Dick Kelly's high points he lists above. The sad thing is that I get emails that are very similar all the time. I'm sure that many on JWN have lived through similar stories themselves or know someone personally that has been through this type of situation.

    So although many of us are dedicated to stopping child abuse within the JW congregations and will not stop, we must not forget the wives and sisters who are also trapped and abused by the insane rules and policies that not only protect child abusers, but also promote, support and create an environment that treats women in the congregation in unfair, unlawful and yes - unscriptural ways.

    It's time to speak up on this subject. Dick Kelly's sister Marilyn lived through all of it herself and it ended up dying from its results.

    You can read the full story about Dick's sister Marilyn on his website at (link is in the previous post). I feel it is so important that I have decided to serialize Marilyn's story on as well. (part 1 is online now and part 2 wiil be online on January 15).

    I'm telling you - this is some serious s@%t!


  • ClubSandwich

    Juan, thank you for the thought-provoking response. I am not sure that this is a hot JWN topic at the moment. I must tell you that the outside world thinks it is. I cannot tell you how much feedback I get from this topic.

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