why did man go from living 900 years to 90?

by sowhatnow 55 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • crazyhorse
    This thread is seriously shaking my belief in the bible.
  • Finkelstein

    What , you dont believe in a talking donkey and man living inside of a fish for 3 days ?

    Or how about the tower of Babel incident , where ancient archeology has found many different languages prior to that supposed date ???

    Tich Tich where is your faith ?

  • kaik

    This is one of the typical fairy tale Bible babble. There is not biological possibility that any mammal could live that long. Even whales who have very long life span or turtles do not live 900 year. Even fossils indicate that large dinosaurs lived between 60 to 80 years the most.

    Egyptian and Babylonian myths are full of long lived people, but there is no any excavated evidence that anyone lived beyond 100 years. While old age over 90 was not very common in ancient times, it was not as surprising. Ramses II lived probably to the age 90+. Several ancient monarchs lived closed that age as well. In late antiquity many monks lived long age like Cassiodorus who died 100 years old, and Saint Nilo 95 years. These are documented ages as these people were very active and left extensive trails of documents over their long life span.

  • berrygerry

    why did man go from living 900 years to 90?

    Poor math skills?

  • Vidiot

    PokerPlayerPhil - "...the radiation that came freely because the water canopy no longer blocked out harmful UVs that age us..."

    That theory worked just fine...

    ...until medical science determined that aging is caused, not by UV radiation, but by telomerase reduction in cell subdivision.


  • sowhatnow

    pokerplayerphil I dont think any of us really wants to live for 900 years, do we? particularly if we age at a rate equal to the age rate for us now, that might mean that for 200 years we would be senior citizens.

    god 200 years limping around or with arthritis.

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot


    "god 200 years limping around or with arthritis."

    At least we get a good 600 years in. We can always commit suicide after that.

  • Oubliette
    Because we moved from fantasy to reality.
  • Gods_Kingdom

    Adam and Eve were created to live forever. When they disobeyed and ate the fruit they, on that day began to die. Bible record says Adam died at 930 years of age. Methuselah lived to be 969 years of age and Noah lived to be 950 years of age. After the flood waters subsided the lifespan of people were reduced considerably. Abraham lived 175 years. After Abraham lifespans decreased quickly until the average life was 70 to 80 years of age as is mentioned at Psalm 90:10. Abraham was born approx. 2 years after Noah died.

    So from close to 1000 years of age down to 70 or 80 is a result of sin. Lifespans were longer after creation because they were designed to live forever and most of those who had long life chose to use their long lives sinning greatly so a humans lifespan was reduced due to sin.

    During the Millennial (1,000 year) reign of Jesus after Armageddon we will again be able to live up to 1,000 years and on into everlasting life.

    Psalm 89:48 "What man can live and never see death? Can he save himself from the power of the Grave?"

    The only thing that can save us from the power of the grave (after death) is the resurrection but that is another topic.

  • truthseeker100

    Gods Kingdom welcome to the forum.

    I would like you to explain to me what an overlapping generation is. Strictly from the Bible .

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