What is your favorite hyperlink and ex JW.org site for Jehovah's Witnesses searching for the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society JW.org. site ?

by Balaamsass 6 Replies latest social current

  • Balaamsass

    The search box above is one of my favorite research tools right here on JWN.net. 10 years of research, and laughs.

    www.JWfacts.com is a great to the point site.

    www.JWsurvey.org has thought provoking surveys and discussions

    www.Watchtowerdocuments.com has an incredible treasure trove of historical and court documents- FACTS and original documents

    www.Freemeinds.com has great first hand accounts, blogs and resources to exercise your mind

    Marvin Shilmers blogspot really makes you think.

    What links would you recommend to the first time JW visitor?

  • Hermano

    www.JWstruggle.com great support site for JW's who are discouraged because of the problems within the org

  • Balaamsass

    Barbra Andersons Watchtower Documents site cinched it for the wife and I.

    Until I read the ACTUAL Court Documents about Fred Franz lies, Rutherfords rants, and the Watchtower Societies secret coorespondence regarding some big Child molesting cases I was taking everything with a grain of salt. SEEING ACTUAL DOCUMENTS of SWORN TESTIMONY DID IT FOR ME IN ACOUPLE OF DAYS.

    We were both 3rd generation JWs who had been drinking the Koolaid for over 50 years.

  • frankiespeakin

    I don't have any favorite at the moment because I don't visit then very much or hardly.

    But does anybody know what would make your site come to the top when you google Jehovah's Witnesses, or jehovah witness? I see the WT official site comes first is thier any way we could fight that so that more Xjw comes up before or right under the "official" site?

  • frankiespeakin
  • Hermano

    I've read some of the posts about JW's trying to go to JW.org and ending up on sites that expose them to TTATT. Just for kicks I googled jw.org and the second result was anointedjw.org.

    Hopefully this official push for JW's to start using the Internet will spark more conversation about the org and leadership's desire for absolute control of information.

  • Balaamsass


    Actually, just visiting your favorite site after a google search helps. This thread just popped up on "Google Alerts" on "Jehovah" because of key words I put in the title for search engine spyders to find.

    I bet the WTBTS is paying a few hundred a month for SEO services, so I bet they will always get to the top of page one results. But humans are curious creatures, and I imagine any page on the first three pages of search engine results will get a visit this month.

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