A coincidence?

by snare&racket 0 Replies latest jw friends

  • snare&racket

    Dont know the most famous physicist on earth today , the same man who ORIGINATED the idea of the big-bang singularity and believe that the only people who know him are those that sought him out whilst trying to disprove god?

    And at the same time...

    believe the earth is 6000 years old and made by a Jewish sky man because some Jewish scrolls told you?

    is there MAYBE a link here? Does this MAYBE explain why the evolution section in a museum doesnt exist in some peoples minds, its just all fake and mock ups and 'theory'. It is all quite telling..

    Hawkings changed the world, if you dont think people know him, change the people you hang around with, they are quite behind......

    snare x

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